Archives for posts with tag: Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Check out this monologue from Tucker Carlson’s show earlier tonight on FOX News. “Either do what we want, OR, we will Hurt You!” Is this what we’ve come to as a Country? Isn’t it part of our Constitution for the President to appoint a nominee to replace a deceased member of the Supreme Court? And then for the U.S. Senate to advise and vote on that nominee? So how the heck has this process ever come down to threats and violence? May God save the U.S.A.

So you must’ve heard the old cliche, that even a Blind Squirrel can come across an occasional Acorn, well, the same thing holds true with Hillary Clinton. Check out what “Crooked Hillary” said four years ago after the passing of then Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Needless to say, I agree 110 percent with Secretary Clinton’s comments back then, and therefore should encourage our U.S. Senate, along with President Donald Trump, to go ahead and appoint a replacement to the recently deceased Ruth Bader Ginsburg AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

Have the Democrats moved to a new level of, ‘Crazy’ now that President Donald Trump, along with Senate Republicans, get to pick a new Supreme Court Justice to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg who passed away last night.

Rumor has it that Ginsburg will be replaced by a lady named, Amy Coney Barrett. If the appointment is successful, it would give Trump his third appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court in just his First Term as President.

With just about 45 days left to the Presidential election, will the Supreme Court replacement to Ginsburg now become the #1 priority over either COVID-19, or the Law Enforcement issue regarding the Major City riots?

This particular blogger, Sean Fitzgerald, a.k.a. The Actual Justice Warrior, did an excellent job weighing all the possibilities.