Archives for posts with tag: St. Louis

America has the 3rd Highest Murder Rate in the World & it’s mostly concentrated in just 5 cities.

Reason #997 to reelect Donald Trump on Nov. 3rd: The Preservation of the Second Amendment What happened to this St. Louis couple should NEVER EVER happen to any law abiding American citizen in this country. Joe Biden — if he’s elected President — has already appointed Beto O’Rourke to seize everybody’s firearm soon after being sworn into office. If you’re not familiar with what happened to the McCloskeys, please watch this video a couple times and let it all sink in.




Did you catch that recent train wreck of an interview Chris Cuomo did with Mark McCloskey?

McCloskey, along with his wife Patricia, are the St. Louis residents who defended their property, both holding loaded guns, while their home was being approached by an angry mob soon after that mob broke into their gated community.

After viewing videotape of that “encounter”, is there any doubt whatsoever that the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution needs to continue to be upheld and strictly enforced in our Country?

Lastly, do you suppose the ONLY reason CNN continues to keep this arrogant BLEEPhole on its Payroll is because Fredo’s brother just happens to be the Governor of New York? YouTube blogger, Liberal Hivemind, did an excellent analysis on this particular video.

Yet another great issue that desperately needs to be debated between Joe Biden & Donald Trump — Should America repeal the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution and not allow anyone to own a firearm to defend themselves?

More specifically, watching this St. Louis couple — Mark and Patricia McCloskey — in this video, do you think the McCloseys were justified to defend their property while displaying supposedly loaded guys when unruly Rioters broke through their locked gate and started heading for their home?

Lastly, are there any questions why Tucker Carlson is the #1 rated cable TV show in America, while Fredo Corleone, er, I mean, Chris Cuomo has the absolute worst rated show on TV bar none?