Archives for posts with tag: Tara Reade
Was Ms. Hutchinson “intimate” with either White House Deputy Chief of Staff Tony Ornato, or Secret Service Agent Bobby Engel? Was it normal for Engel to freely disclose the circumstances of something that was said & done between him and the President of the United States? What exactly made Hutchinson “assume” she would continue to work as Chief of Staff Mark Meadow’s assistant AFTER Trump lost the Presidency in 2020? Why weren’t either Ornato or Engel ever subpoenaed to testify before the House January 6th Committee? Why do you supposed ALL the Testimonies and Videotapes destroyed just after Trump was Indicted if all this “EVIDENCE” was so compelling and damning against the then-President? As far as the one individual who was actually SHOT & KILLED at the January 6th Insurrection – Ashlii Babbitt – did Hutchinson ever talk to either Ornato or Engel about Ms. Babbitt or her murderer, Capitol police lieutenant Michael Byrd? Lastly, where is the videotape “EVIDENCE” that Rudy Guiliani “Groped” Ms. Hutchinson during the January 6th Insurrection? One more question just for laughs & giggles – if you’re serving as a Juror in a Court Hearing, and you’re listening to a witness say either, “I don’t know”, or, “I don’t Recall” OVER 100 TIMES, would YOU automatically Disqualify that person as an Incompetent or Irrelevant Witness? And, oh yeah, how the heck is Ms. Hutchinson supposed to be any more “credible” or “believable” than Tara Reade, who was an Intern to then-Senator Joe Biden and accused him of Sexually Assaulting her? I rest my case.
YouTube blogger Mark Dice weighs-in on Cassidy Hutchinson’s new book.

$64,000 Question: So why isn’t the Mainstream Media covering the alleged sexual assault of Georgia Democrat Senate hopeful Raphael Warnock against his ex-wife when he ran over her foot with his car recently?

It seems like it’s very similar to the Media ignoring the sexual assault allegations of former Biden staffer Tara Reade against the now President-Elect, YET, two years ago the Media had now qualms attacking then-Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh over supposed rape charges of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford with ZERO evidence from about 37 years earlier.



$64,000 Question: What exactly happened to the Lady who was a former staffer of then-Senator Joe Biden back in the early 90’s, and earlier this year accused Sleepy Joe of Sexually Assaulting her back then?

I guess the answer would be, she wrote a Book about the whole experience that can be purchased just in time for Christmas.

Tara Reade recently appeared on Newsmax TV to promote her new book, ‘Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In’. Another interesting point about this 5-and-a-half minute video interview is, I wasn’t aware that Heather Childers (the interviewer) apparently jumped from FOX News to Newsmax TV.

Lastly, is it safe to assume that Ms. Reade’s new book will NOT be posted on either the New York Times’, or Amazon’s ‘Best Seller List’ regardless on how many people purchase this book?





Are you a little confused on what to give your young kid, or maybe a grandchild, for Christmas next month? Why not give them, arguably, THE WORST CHILDREN’S BOOK EVER WRITTEN?

I’m referring to, of course, ‘Joey — The Joe Biden Story’, written by that great, world-renown, best-selling Author, Dr. Jill Biden, a.k.a Joe Biden’s wife. After watching this video, I’m not quite sure which was more funny — The blogger, Andrew of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ doing his own personal book Review, or the Book itself.

Yeah, I might suggest watching thru this video before you run out and waste your money buying this stupid book.

P.S. According to this publication, Joe Biden’s childhood nickname was, “Hands” — In light of his sexual assault escapade with former staffer, Tara Reade, along with the vast number of incidents of “inappropriate touching” currently posted on Google Images (sometimes with under-aged girls), “Hands” could serve as a very applicable nickname for our alleged President-Elect even now in his rather mature, golden years.

Biden also mentioned during this past campaign trail, that he encountered a “bad dude” known as, Corn Pop, when he was a kid, but for whatever reason there was no mention of Corn Pop in this particular publication. Oh well.

Enjoy everybody

Wow, so just when everybody ASS-U-Med that Tara Reade (former staffer for then-Senator Joe Biden in the early 90’s who accused Sleepy Joe of Sexual Assault) is now being interviewed for a show called, “60 Minutes Australia” within 30 days of the U.S. Presidential election.

It’s amazing how Ms. Reade’s accusations disappeared into obscurity while something like a stupid publication can print fabricated statements about what Donald Trump supposedly said about fallen soldiers and everybody accepts that as ‘Gospel Truth‘???

Personally, I tend to believe Ms. Reade’s testimony against her former boss. Just take a look sometime on Google Images how Biden likes to approach women from behind to either sniff their hair, or kiss them in the back of the neck — sometimes, even underage girls, and most times, NOT his wife.

If we’re not even going to publicly investigate Ms. Reade’s accusations, do we really want to have a Moral Pig like Joe Biden serving as our, President?

I realize I brought this same story up a couple months back with another YouTube blogger named Zack Leary and his blog called, The Last Outlaws. This one’s brought up by Drew Berquist and it’s a video regarding an ’09 Christmas party incident for the Secret Service agents, along with their spouses, at the White House. Then-Vice President Joe Biden made an appearance at this event, which in turn, allegedly flirted with many of the females — Married and Single — for whatever reason.

As the story goes, when Biden “cupped the breasts” of one of the married females at the party, her husband appeared to approach Biden to physically confront him but was stopped by his fellow Secret Service colleagues before there was any actual contact. The male agent in question was then suspended from the Secret Service, I assume for physically threatening the Vice President after he groped his wife (although I think most normal husbands would’ve reacted the same way if they were in that situation).

Tom Fitton is a government watchdog, who has an organization called, ‘Judicial Watch’, that investigates these types of situations. Fitton filed a, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Secret Service Agency to try to find what exactly happened at that Christmas party that evening. Unfortunately, Fitton was told by the Secret Service agency that that particular “file was destroyed” and therefore, they had no record of the incident.

Bottom Line: The U.S. Secret Service admitted to Fitton, yeah there was an incident, however, they don’t have a record of it anymore because they simply destroyed the file.

In the aforementioned video posted by, The Last Outlaws, blogger Zack Leary interviewed a former Secret Service agent who happened to be present at that White House Christmas party and basically corroborated the same stuff I’ve already mentioned. I’m just saying, there’s about eight weeks till the Nov. 3rd Election. I think this is one incident perhaps the FBI ought to investigate BEFORE voters go ahead and elect this perverted pig as our President.

Aside from a ton of photos on Google Images of Biden either groping, kissing, or sniffing hair of various women (other than his wife) and sometimes even young underage girls; his former employee, Tara Reade publicly claimed Biden sexually assaulted and penetrated her; and lastly, Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Bill Stevenson is soon to release a ‘Tell-All’ book on how an extramarital affair between Jill and Sleepy Joe destroyed their marriage. I’d say it’s definitely worth investigating before most Americans are stuck with the WRONG CHOICE for President till January 2025.

File Under: Better Safe than Sorry

Not only do I agree 110 percent with Benny Johnson in this particular Meme, I would also like to see Joe Biden address his “alleged” extramarital affair with his former employee, Tara Reade; as well as his relationship with Bill Stevenson, who’s Jill Biden’s ex-husband and now has a book out claiming her “alleged” affair with Sleepy Joe broke up their marriage. Inquiring minds, like Me, want to know BEFORE the Nov. 3rd Election.

So here we have Paul Alexander, who was a former Media Strategist for Tulsi Gabbard, giving a fascinating interview on what he thought about Kamala Harris going forward as a VP nominee in the Presidential race. It’s especially amazing, especially in light of Senator Harris’ experience as a Prosecutor as well as Attorney General for California, that she was willing to flip-flop 180 degrees on the allegations surrounding Joe Biden sexually assaulting his former staff member Tara Reade from before and after Kamala became his running mate. Needless to say, Alexander does NOT plan to vote for the Biden – Harris ticket in November, he may not necessarily vote for Trump but definitely not the Biden ticket. Interesting must-see interview.

This is fascinating stuff in light of what Joe Biden claimed about his “relationship” with his former employee, Tara Reade.

Both Jill and Joe Biden claimed they first met because Joe’s brother, Frank recognized her picture in a newspaper ad, knew her phone number, and called her up on Joe’s behalf. Jill’s ex-husband is now claiming their marriage broke up because Jill was screwing around with Joe, and both had worked on Joe’s first Senate campaign.

Jill’s ex husband, Bill Stevenson, who owns the, ‘Stone Balloon’ lounge in Delaware is currently writing a book on the whole relationship. Getting back to Tara Reade, if Mr. Stevenson’s account of his divorce is true, then why should anybody believe what Joe Biden had to say regarding Ms. Reade’s testimony being a Lie?

It’s pathetic enough that there are numerous video tapes and Google Images of Joe Biden inappropriately touching women — and sometimes under-aged girls, but how did Joe and Jill Biden REALLY get together with each other? If Mr. Stevenson has evidence to substantiate his claims that they were both messing around on the side which led to Stevenson’s divorce, I think it’s about time to take a second look at Ms. Reade’s accusations against her former boss, Joe Biden.


Wow, I never imagined that Sleepy Joe Biden was such a ‘Stud Muffin’ 10 years ago when he was serving as both our Vice President, as well as the Official spokesperson for Hennessy Cognac. Needless to say, I NEVER believed Biden when he said he never sexually assaulted his former staffer, Tara Reade. And after looking over some the risque poses Biden’s engaging with a few of the young voluptuous females in these Hennessy ads, I’ll let you folks draw your own conclusions.
