Archives for posts with tag: Trinity

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. — 2 Timothy 4:7

(The following was posted on the Facebook page of, The Living Truth Fellowship on Friday, Sept. 24, 2021. John A. Lynn, president of TLTF, succumbed to the Coronavirus in the Indianapolis area, and he happened to be in his late 70’s. Pastor Lynn appeared twice on my government-access TV show out of Nashua NH, titled, ‘Frankly Speaking’. Both those shows happen to be posted on this forum, please feel free to browse and find out for yourself what Lynn was all about.)

The Living Truth Fellowship

It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart to inform you that our brother in Christ, John Lynn has fallen asleep in the Lord. Below is what Elizabeth Lynn has shared: John passed away this afternoon at 2:26. Myself and his daughter, Christine, got to go in to be with him and sang him Peace Peace and I come to the Garden Alone, then he took his last breath. Thank you Jesus for the victory we have over death and that we will see him again in his new resurrected body. Thank you all for your love, support and many prayers!!

Christine Lynn Norton, September 28 at 2:02 p.m.

I am so proud of who my father was, of how he poured himself out for others and always tried to walk in the love of Christ. He was not a perfect human being, nor are any of us, but he had a compassionate heart, always rooting for the underdog and for justice and mercy. More than anything, he taught me that our God is a good and loving God. That theology alone has saved my life numerous times. He will be missed, but I promised him during his last breaths that I would pass this deep faith on to my own family and friends every day I draw breath. I hope you will do the same. ❤️🙏

Francine Maestas, September 26 at 5:45 p.m.

John Lynn I am looking at the bumper sticker you gave me that says “death sucks” and those words couldn’t be more true now. I will never forget all the times you called to pray with me and how you always pointed me back to Jesus when I felt lost. I never knew anybody who fought so hard to live like you did. You loved life and spread the love of Jesus everywhere you went. I won’t stop believing in miracles or doubt God’s goodness even though I don’t understand. You will always be so special to my heart. Thank you for all you taught me and always making me laugh. I cherish all the memories and will keep them close to my heart till that sweet day when I will see you again. ♡♡♡

John Lynn, president of The Living Truth Fellowship, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This was also the first time we ever recorded a ‘Frankly Speaking’ episode via Skype — Lynn was at his residence in Indianapolis, while I was doing the interview from the usual Access Nashua (New Hampshire) studio. The interview took place on August 5, 2019.

I first met Lynn when an individual from his then-Biblical research organization told me about Jesus Christ and how to attain eternal salvation through the Word of God, a.k.a. the Bible, back in the late 70’s. Lynn has been a Pastor for more than 50 years, and TLTF is now his third Christian organization.

We covered numerous topics during this approximate hour long episode which included but not limited to: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, fellow-shipping with other like-minded believers, could the second-coming of Jesus take place now or is he waiting for more people to accept him as Lord and Savior, what is repentance, how does one attain eternal salvation, etc.?

John Lynn has also made three Biblically foundational video teaching series with TLTF: ‘One Day with the Creator’, ‘The End Times’; and, ‘Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages’.

Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro to my show’s theme song for this episode.

For further information about John Lynn and his ministry, please log onto: ; or, if you’re on either YouTube or Twitter, type in keyword: JustTruthIt . Incidentally, I’ve posted a couple of TLTF video teachings by Lynn in the Comment section of this Thread featuring: the Trinity, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, and Fundamental Basics for Spiritual Growth. In addition to all that, I also posted a popular YouTube video in the Comments section giving the opposing side to Lynn’s argument regarding the Trinity in the Bible.


New Beginning Fellowship in Nashua NH (shown above) was dissolved last year and most of its congregants then proceeded to “plant” the New in Christ Bible Church in nearby Merrimack NH.

I never attended a service at the New In Christ Bible Church in its Merrimack NH location (and in all likelihood, probably never will), but I was a full-fledged member of its former congregation – New Beginning Fellowship in nearby Nashua for about a dozen years.

Perhaps the best way to describe this New In Christ church, assuming they’re nothing more than ‘New Beginning Fellowship relocated’ (and both its Facebook and YouTube sites for the past year have indicated that nothing’s really changed much), it’s success – or failure – is contingent on the Pastor’s laser business, which is housed in the same condo building as the church. Most of the dozen or so congregants to the New In Christ church are either: employed, formerly employed, or related to someone working in this Pastor’s company.

One more thing — the Pastor owns the condo units to both his laser business as well as New In Christ church. So if there was ever a problem or impropriety involving the Pastor (a.k.a. the Landlord), the congregant(s) would probably be forced to leave and find another church despite the fact that New In Christ is sanctioned by the Southern Baptist Convention.

Can you say, Conflict of Interest?

I think the ideal Bible verse that best describes New In Christ church, along with its Pastor, is Matthew 6:24, which Jesus said you cannot serve both God and mammon (money) because, inevitably, you’ll wind up despising one of these two entities. Perhaps a real close second to that would be the passage cited in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 since the Pastor and many of the Congregants tend to put up a great religious “front” or facade in a vain attempt to impress everybody else within earshot in the church and then the second after the service is over, you’d never guess most of these Congregants were even Christians. It sort of reminds me of that great quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I’ve got to seriously wonder if Gandhi similarly encountered members of the New in Christ Bible Church — or at least its Pastor — before he made that statement.

The Pastor was first hired in ’02 to replace the retiring Pastor of Sheepfold Fellowship, which he soon changed its name to New Beginning Fellowship. Have you already noticed a pattern here with this guy when it comes to changing names of churches? It should be noted here too that both Sheepfold, and New Beginning Fellowship were under the Assemblies of God denomination — and now, New in Christ Bible Church is with the Southern Baptist Convention.

To quote Barack Hussein Obama, “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.” So despite changing its community, its denomination, and even its name; this particular church still desperately lacks enthusiasm, involvement, and congregants under the same Pastor its had now for the past 14 years. Another great quote that appropriately comes to mind is from the late great Rock singer Harry Chapin, who once sang in a song, “Sometimes I get this crazy dream where I just take off in my car, but you can travel on 10,000 miles and still stay where you are.” The point being is that unless your dad is the President or the CEO of a company, or perhaps you’re an extremely attractive young lady, that business probably won’t allow anybody on its payroll to constantly screw up month after month, year after year. So with that said it’s just sheer insanity for a church to have a Pastor — for nearly two decades now — who is either unwilling, or perhaps just incompetent, to consistently grow the congregation to hopefully help meet its basic financial needs (rent, utilities, insurance, maintenance, etc.).

Whatever happened to Accountability or, Checks and Balances within a Church management structure? Also, if Jesus Christ is supposed to be the Role Model for all Christian churches to follow, shouldn’t a Pastor strive — at the very least — to meet the basic needs of his congregation even more so than a CEO of a secular business? I’m not knocking the effectiveness of Prayer alone, which is what Muster seems to subscribe to — “The church will grow in God’s perfect timing”, yet it’s always the Congregants, not Jesus, that this Pastor pleads to every time the Church is short on money and within a couple weeks of closing its doors.

Luke 12:24

Consider the ravens, for they neither sow nor reap, which have neither storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds?

So unless I’m misinterpreting Jesus’ comment here, God seems to be accommodating the basic essential needs of ravens (or birds) a lot better than the New in Christ Bible Church. Sorry, that just doesn’t make any sense. Or maybe there’s an element or two missing from this story. Compare this to a Father’s (or a Husband’s) role to provide basic essential needs for his family. If the guy was just Praying for support and then hanging around his house waiting for God to provide for his family, that wouldn’t hold up in a Court of Law. If he still refused to work and provide for his family, that guy would probably wind up in Prison for being a delinquent deadbeat Dad.

The ‘Prayer alone’ theory might be easy to go along with on the first year or two of a new church — but when a Pastor’s still utilizing that mentality at the 14 year plateau into his ministry leadership, it starts to get old real quick. Why not try to hire consultants, or Trouble-Shooters, from the Assemblies of God (or now, the Southern Baptist Convention) to try to diagnose what’s the problem with the New in Christ church? Why not try to retain college Interns for either a semester or calendar year to push to increase New in Christ’s congregation membership? In the famous words of former professional hockey great Wayne Gretsky, “You miss on 100 percent of the shots that you don’t take.”

Or maybe it’s just not God’s Will for New in Christ to operate as a church.

Call me a Heathen, if you will, for suggesting that Christians ought to initiate some type of supplement (works) over and above ‘just Prayer’ to show God that you’ve got faith in His promises. As if to say, Pray to God and then go twiddle your thumbs while watching soap operas on TV till God proceeds to answer your prayers with some type of “supernatural miracle”. I don’t think so. It’s more like, “You do your best, and let God do the rest”. This Pastor seems to be utilizing the Christian Scientist approach that seeing a doctor for a serious medical ailment means you obviously don’t believe God can heal you, even though the Pastor himself has had a couple medical issues in his own personal life which he didn’t hesitate to visit a Doctor to help remedy those ailments.

FILE UNDER: Do as I say, not as I do.

Church membership has steadily declined under his reign, even though for the past four years that congregation has had a regularly aired, government access TV show in Nashua. Ironically, I was the one who convinced this Pastor to pursue broadcasting weekly sermons on Nashua local access cable TV, having done a similar type gig in another community of another State. Since I resided in Nashua, I volunteered to serve as the Producer for our church’s TV show and even hosted about a half dozen in-studio interview shows with this Pastor to sort of mix-up the format a little bit and make the show interesting. Needless to say when I left New Beginning Fellowship about two-and-a-half years later after this same Pastor publicly accused me of having, “an Anti-Christ spirit”, I promptly left that church, quit my Producer’s position, and had the Pastor dissolve the in-studio interview videos on its YouTube site in which I was the host.

This Pastor, at times, begins his sermons by thanking ALL THE PEOPLE WATCHING ON THE INTERNET, (sort of insinuating that most times when they post a sermon on the Internet, it usually winds up going ‘viral’ with hundreds, if not thousands, of people actually watching these things) yet, according to the church’s YouTube site, its posted weekly sermons have been averaging about 3 (three) views each for the past couple years. Can you say, “delusional”? What a joke!

Referring to the owner of NiC’s condo unit as: Psalm 24:1 LLC

One thing that Muster claimed he disliked were T.V. evangelists who would name their Ministries after themselves rather than something which would prompt people to worship God instead. I’m not quite sure if this had anything to do with God hopefully blessing the condo unit for the New in Christ Bible Church, but the name of the entity listed on the Property Deed for this particular congregation as the “Owner(s)” is, Psalm 24-1 LLC. To break down what exactly this Bible verse states, it’s as follows:

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. — Psalms 24:1

Now don’t get me wrong, knowing God Almighty is fully responsible for Heaven, Earth, the entire solar system, and everything therein, is just a truly awesome thing to imagine — but what the heck does it have to do with the, New in Christ Bible Church??? Other than, of course, if the congregation ever wanted to terminate Muster from being Pastor of the NiC church, HE now owns the condo unit which the church services were taking place. So in all likelihood, if Muster chose NOT to either rent or sell that condo unit to the congregation, NiC would be legally forced to move to another location. But since the vast majority of these church members were either Integrity Laser employees, or relatives to Integrity Laser workers, this had little-to-no chance of ever taking place. Think of Muster as both their Pastor and Boss (AT LEAST most of these folks) at the same time. Hence, if you tweak Psalms 24:1 a little bit, it’s almost as if Muster wanted people to think of himself in that honorary status, at least regarding the operations of NiC, and Integrity Laser.

Why wouldn’t Muster refer to the owners of the LiC condo unit on the property Deed as, for example: 2 Corinthians 5:17 LLC ? Translated, this verse is interpreted as: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. I mean, when the property in question is called, ‘New in Christ Bible Church’, wouldn’t the perfect Biblical segue be: 2 Corinthians 5:17 LLC ? It makes sense to me, I’m fairly sure it would also make sense to most people as well.

Muster goes overboard on being, ‘Wretched

One of Jeff Muster’s favorite YouTube blogs was a regular Christian feature called, Wretched, which is taken from the Biblical concept that we’re all wicked and wretched sinners before we accept Jesus Christ to become our personal Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, Muster and other Christians often use that as a crutch every time they screw people over again and again and again. For example, when I first told Muster about the whole concept about government-access TV and the possibility of getting more visibility for New Beginning Fellowship, I had then said something to the effect about now we could increase our church membership by regularly being on Nashua cable TV. Muster then just scoffed out of his mouth, shook his head and said, “yeah, as if somebody like YOU is ever going to add any people to this church.”  Keep in mind, this was coming from a then 9-year experienced, extremely INCOMPETENT Pastor, who at least 2-3 times each year would tell the congregation that we were just a couple weeks from closing our doors due to lack of finances.

In another incident on about the same time frame, Muster did a wedding for our worship leader’s daughter which all of the NBF members were invited to attend. After the ceremony, I made it a point to compliment Muster on conducting an excellent wedding as a Pastor and then saying to him, if I were to remarry, I’d be honored for him to perform the ceremony. So in typical Jeff Muster fashion, he responded with the same scoffing noise from his mouth, shaking his head, and saying, “yeah, what woman would ever marry someone like YOU“?

Again, aside from all the aforementioned, I don’t believe Jesus Christ, for example, would ever make a statement like that to me or anyone else if he were here on earth. I think about half of Jesus’ Apostles being Fishermen, so how “eloquent” were those guys before they became his Disciples? In my case, I was working as a Janitor, at that time, to help financially support my sons after a failed marriage. Incidentally, I was also one of the biggest, if not the biggest, Tithers (financial contributors) at NBF. As the old cliche goes, “even a Dog knows the difference between being petted and being kicked”, in my particular case, Pastor Muster was really screwing me up the proverbial BLEEP!

What was especially unfortunate, were the people who had already left NBF — many of whom were middle-aged ladies — as to what their own personal experience(s) were like with a complete “Wretched” jerk like Jeff Muster. Whenever anybody ever asked Muster, why did ‘so-and-so’ leave the Church, he’s always snapped back and said, “Well, why don’t YOU ask them yourself”? It was as if maybe the person in question — OR, even the person asking Muster a question like that — was deeply possessed with either a Devil spirit or an Anti Christ spirit. The thing Muster never really took into consideration was the fact that some of these folks were actually like family to us. It sort of happens when you’ve been in the same congregation with just about a couple dozen people for several years together.

Aside from the obvious close-knit friendships we shared, many of these people who “mysteriously left” the NBF church at that time were passionate, committed Christians who easily could’ve helped build our congregation to a respectable, self-sustaining level. One Biblical passage that quickly comes to mind here is Jesus’s teaching of, The Parable of the Lost Sheep, which is depicted in, Luke 15:1-7 — how was this NOT a priority with Muster on trying to build his church?  I’m NOT suggesting here being blessed with a mega-church that has several thousand members and our own worldwide satellite TV broadcast, a simple local community congregation where God is constantly meeting our financial needs every month would’ve been perfectly fine.

So why the heck wouldn’t Muster, AT LEAST, initiate some type of effort to try and get these folks back into to congregation instead of pretending like it was no big deal, or maybe they were possessed with a Devil spirit? And every time one of these extremely passionate people left NBF, it was like going from a church with great potential to simply reverting back to Square One. NBF church, for the most part, was like that popular Paula Abdul song, ‘One Step Forward and Two Steps Back‘.

One thing that Muster mentioned a number of different times in his sermons which he claims he was bothered by — he had told a close former work colleague from the Laser industry that he was a Christian, and that guy responded to him saying, “Wow Jeff, I never really had YOU pegged as ever being a ‘Christian’.” To be perfectly honest, I often wondered about that comment many times myself. Muster and this colleague were both salesmen who traveled around the Country, sometimes around the World, and would attend Seminars and stay in Hotels — what exactly happened AFTER all the Seminars and business transactions were over, God only knows. Muster would often refer to his wife as his ‘beautiful bride’, usually with a big phony smirk on his face and her within earshot of his comments, as if to insinuate he was the epitome of the long, happy marriage. Again I reiterate, God only knows.

Muster keeps his cable TV audience over in the next town

Another thing Muster loves to keep ‘under wraps’ from the rest of the congregation is that New in Christ Bible Church’s local access cable TV visibility — for whatever reason — is still 100 percent focused on its former community, Nashua, while they’ve got ZERO visibility of local access TV coverage in its current community, Merrimack NH. And yeah, Merrimack does indeed have its own local access TV studio operation — Muster quite simply, just doesn’t want to utilize it. Just for the record, the New in Christ Church is about 10 miles from the Nashua border, so why the heck would a new person from Nashua want to drive past about a half dozen good quality Christian churches in his/her own community to attend a Sunday morning service at a social clique hangout like the New in Christ Bible Church? It just doesn’t make any sense.

Besides that, I’ve always believed in the philosophy that, “if a church isn’t growing, then it obviously must be dying.” And the New Beginning Fellowship/New in Christ congregation has been on proverbial life support for quite some time — more specifically, most of the time since its inception in 2002.

Incidentally, the word “church” that’s used in the Bible is from the Greek word, ekklesia, which literally means, those called out. It might associate people with a certain religious bond but it really doesn’t necessarily tie these folks to a certain community, or a building, or even a particular sect.

This Pastor claims that he could easily build the church’s membership by simply lying to everybody that they’d be healed of Cancer or delivered from Bankruptcy if they’d just join our church, yet there are numerous other churches in the Greater Nashua area with memberships of just under 100, or even a couple hundred, which built up their respective congregations without resorting to those types of lies and gimmickry. So where is this Pastor’s actual proof that this a major problem among southern New Hampshire churches? He doesn’t seem to have any real evidence, other than setting up some type of flimsy smokescreen in a vain attempt to divert attention from his own church’s blatant problems.

He also loves to poke fun at churches with big memberships because those Pastors can never remember everybody’s name. Yet, it seemed like every other month in New Beginning Fellowship, this Pastor would announce that they only had about three weeks worth of finances before the church would have to finally close its doors. Needless to say, a steadily declining membership, along with frequent threats of closing within a couple weeks was just downright depressing. Is this Pastor’s laser company now keeping the New In Christ church afloat financially? Beats me. But if it is, I don’t believe God designed His church to be financially supported like that.

I think a lot of gullible people probably have been duped on just how eloquent his sermons and prayers are, but he’s also living proof that talk is cheap. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important that a church pastor can deliver a motivating sermon or prayer and as a current business owner and former salesman, this Pastor has no problems with serving as the silver-tongued orator for this congregation. But there’s a lot more to being a church pastor than just talking eloquently — what about mentoring or showing actual compassion for people in the church facing a major crisis in their lives? Or what about actively pursuing methods and options to meet the basic financial needs of the church?

To say that a church only needs a Pastor with an eloquent tongue to be successful is sort of like saying that great sexual intercourse is the only thing you need to have a successful marriage. There’s obviously a lot more factors that New in Christ Bible Church needs to consider and implement before it can go on to the proverbial next level.

Muster loved to Alienate his audience – Praise God, Hallelujah!

I couldn’t help but notice a sermon Muster did at the NiC church, which I watched on Nashua cable TV, the Sunday following the 2016 Presidential election titled, ‘So Trump won, now what?’ Now regardless on how you or I felt about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in that particular election, it’s extremely dangerous for a church to take sides in any political campaign — ESPECIALLY AFTER the event is done and over with. In New Hampshire, Clinton won this State but it was very close. So if the NiC church is supposed be reaching out to the Hillary supporters, or Liberals, why should they associate with a church that reportedly endorses a Pro-Life stance on Abortion? If you happen to be a Trump supporter, why the heck would you even bother giving the NiC church the time of day, when Pastor Muster just publicly belittled and degraded your candidate in his sermon(s)?

Church pastors really ought to ask themselves, was Jesus Christ a Democrat or a Republican? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a firm believer in Church Pastors encouraging their members to fully exercise their rights as American citizens to Vote in an upcoming Election. Whether you’re Christian, Atheist, or whatever, you usually wind up with the government you deserve — and if you choose NOT to Vote, you’re very much a part of that Apathy. In fact, while I was with the New Beginnings Fellowship in Nashua, I strongly urged Muster to please preach on the importance of Christians voting in Elections. But when Muster chose to publicly trash Trump in a Sermon IMMEDIATELY AFTER the 2016 Presidential election, well that was just plain Ignorant.

It should be noted here, that one common phrase Muster loved to shout out was, “Praise God, Hallelujah!” — with both his arms fully raised in the air — during any type of church event, and he would usually say it in a Southern accent very similar to what Hillary Clinton did whenever she spoke in a Southern state, like Mississippi, Alabama, or Georgia. Or perhaps it was more like that late great actor, Jim Nabors when he used to say on his popular 60’s TV show, ‘Gomer Pyle: USMC‘, “surprise, surprise, surprise”, and let’s not forget his classic quote, “Golllllyyyyyy”. Having said all that, I can only assume two things about Pastor Jeff Muster, 1) He staunchly pushed his former New Beginning Fellowship to convert its denomination to, Southern Baptist Convention so he wouldn’t appear too stupid or awkward every time he publicly blurted out that phrase, and 2) He was obviously brokenhearted when his actual favorite candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton LOST that election.

Phony-baloney Wednesday night Prayer Requests

Now let me just interject a little bit on this church’s Worship Leader (he also serves as Assistant Pastor and does the sermon whenever the Pastor is on vacation or a business trip} — it seemed like at every Wednesday night Bible study, when Muster would openly ask for any prayer requests, this guy would quickly chime-in, “I would like to pray for Bill (or whoever, just fill-in the blank) who’s a guy at work that I’ve been sharing the Gospel with”. Now at a quick glimpse, that’s fantastic, except that at a workplace, you’re primarily there to work and do a job, NOT to spread the Gospel. But week after week, month after month, this Worship Leader would request for prayer at the Wednesday night service, for another person he “supposedly” shared the Gospel with at work, YET, the new people visiting this congregation, were few and far between. Nobody ever dared challenged this Worship Leader on “how was ‘so-and-so’ doing at his job, who we prayed for last Wednesday night”, that would be sort of insinuating the guy was a Liar (heaven forbid), so everybody in that congregation just sort of blindly took this guy’s word for it that he was “sharing the Gospel” with all these folks that he works with.

Funny thing — about a half year or so after I left this church, I hooked up with a former high school classmate of mine and that guy’s wife just happened to work for the same company as this Worship Leader. When I asked her if she ever heard about this guy “sharing the Gospel” — or the Bible — with any of her fellow colleagues at work, she told me that she never came across any stories about that guy doing anything like that. Something like that would’ve spread like wildfire — especially at a secular type company. Maybe even prompt a few employees to file complaints with their superiors on Religious Harassment against this guy. Now she did tell me that the guy had some type of Christian-related item displayed at his own work area, but nothing which he was actually initiating conversations with his fellow employees’ beliefs on God.

Unfortunately, this Worship Leader continued perpetuating this Lie week after week, month after month (maybe even year after year) — probably all in a vain attempt to impress everybody else in the congregation — to pray for a supposed specific person at work that he had recently ‘shared the Gospel’ with. Keep in mind too, this was all while the self-proclaimed ‘Holier-than-Thou’ Pastor ignored any specifics whatever this guy was actually saying in his prayer requests and simply pretended like there was nothing wrong with this rather weird and bizarre arrangement every week. So much for, Truth and Honesty on prayer requests in churches, I guess.

Incidentally, the church’s move to Merrimack one year ago was actually prompted by the Pastor’s accountant telling him that he would save a lot of money with his laser business if he owned the facility rather than just rented it — so much for being “inspired by the Holy Spirit”, or Jesus being the absolute focal point on everything this guy says or does regarding this church. It should also be noted here that whenever this Pastor talks about how Christians ought to vote in Presidential elections, for example, he claims they should put more credence in a candidate who is anti-Abortion versus one who loudly promises to create more jobs and lower taxes because, in the grand scheme of things, God and the Bible place money and finances as a secondary priority.

Compare songs: Amazing Grace vs theme from, ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’

Did I mention that I suggested to this Pastor several months before I left New Beginning Fellowship to change the theme song of its local access TV production to a Public Domain (no copyright restrictions) classic like, ‘Amazing Grace’ or ‘Leaning on the Everlasting Arms’? The reason I made that suggestion to him was because the instrumental theme song he had been using for this production since 2012 sounds eerily similar to the theme song of the classic horror flick, ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’, and nothing even remotely associated with the Christian Gospel genre.

The Pastor’s response to my suggestion was just to laugh it off and say something to the effect that he was a big fan of, ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ movie. I think it prompts most individuals to ask the question, is this music really ‘appropriate’ for a church to utilize and promote in this type of public forum? Is that particular music even a part of the Christian genre?

To put this in some more pee-in-your-pants perspective, Muster was nearly in tears once when he realized that he either owned, or was about to wear a ‘Jerry Garcia necktie’. The late Jerry Garcia, incidentally, was a former lead vocalist/guitarist of the Rock band, ‘The Grateful Dead’, and Muster claimed during a sermon that he’d be absolutely devastated on the mere thought of what other people might think about a Minister of a Local Church wearing a Jerry Garcia necktie.

During another sermon, Muster displayed even more fake ‘crocodile tears’ when he considered going to an Irish Pub & Restaurant in downtown Nashua called, ‘Peddler’s Daughter’ for a traditional ‘Corned Beef & Cabbage’ dinner on a St. Patrick’s Day one year. Again, as with Jerry Garcia & the Grateful Dead being often associated with Drugs, Sex, and Booze, a Church Minister dining at an Irish Pub, for any reason, just served as just a bad example (or Role Model) for the local community.

So using that exact logic, why do you suppose Muster never really had the same “emotional” feelings about using the theme song to ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre‘ for his church’s cable TV show? Can you say, ‘Double Standard‘?

Hypothetically speaking, even if this music was a part of some great Christian Gospel classic, using only about a 5-second snipet from the music is sort of very deceitful and misleading of what people can expect from an actual NiC service. The Praise-and-Worship portion of its average service usually goes about 45 minutes before the sermon, and then another 5-10 minutes after the sermon. In other words, the Praise-and-Worship portion can sometimes last even longer than the sermon, which is supposedly the “highlight” of the NiC service.

Needless to say, the Pastor continues to use that God-forsaken music as the theme song for NiC’s local access TV show.

Compare blogs: vs NiC’s Facebook page

Last summer (2018), this Pastor took a couple months “hiatus” to bicycle across the country. I’m glad to see this guy really has his “priorities” straight — NOT! Furthermore, if you want to see this guy’s TRUE PASSION between Bicycling, and the New in Christ Bible Church, just compare his blog on his cross-country bike trip, , versus the New in Christ Bible Church’s Facebook page. The contrast here is about 180 degrees different in favor of Muster’s bicycling hobby. On , the guy could easily author a book regarding all the photos and commentary he posted in that blog just during the 10-11 weeks he was gone. On his own church’s Facebook fan page, he is basically, Missing in Action (M.I.A.).

One Bible verse that immediately comes to mind here is Matthew 6:21, which states, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” After comparing these two blogs side by side, it’s obvious to me exactly where that guy’s heart is at these days. Simply pathetic!

I would just ask, why would anybody want to waste their precious time and money on a “social clique” like New in Christ Bible Church, when there are so many more much better Holy Spirit-filled congregations operating in the Greater Nashua area?

UPDATE August 2019: Less than four years after New in Christ Bible Church established itself in Merrimack NH, Jeff Muster chose to finally close its doors and dissolve itself as a congregation. Having been associated with this congregation since its inception in ’02 when it was called, New Beginning Fellowship, I’m not quite sure who was more ‘at fault’ for this establishment going “belly up”, Muster for duping the church membership that ‘prayer alone’ would prompt God to do something supernatural while Muster peddled his bike around the country, or the Board of Elders (one of whom actually worked for Muster’s laser business when he got laid off from a job) for allowing Muster to continue to serve as Pastor for 17 years when he should’ve been justifiably fired after about two years. But since New in Christ Bible Church was floundering at the end with somewhere between a dozen to two dozen members, it was just a great blessing to end it all and have the members go their own separate ways.

FILE UNDER: Thank God for small miracles.

Are you totally confused on the subject of the Trinity, a.k.a. the Deity of Christ, or the belief that Jesus Christ and God are the exact same entity?

A recent Google search I did on the word, ‘Trinity’, produced 190 million immediate hits. Compare that to doing a Google search on the name ‘Jesus Christ’, which only got 178 million hits. It would appear that a lot of Catholics and Christians are turning to the Internet for some answers on this topic, probably because they’re not learning too much from their Priests or Ministers.

Stephen Hackett, an Intern with the Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in Merrimack NH, was my guest for this particular episode of, Frankly Speaking. We taped this episode in the Access Nashua studio, Nashua NH on February 1, 2016.

Hopefully and prayerfully, this will answer a lot of questions on the very controversial subject of the Trinity. In the Comments section of this Thread, I posted a popular YouTube video which might help people better comprehend the Trinity.


[And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.

And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.

Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.

And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him…

Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus. — Acts 8:26-31, 35]

I can sort of relate to what the Ethiopian eunuch is saying here in this Biblical passage of Acts, chapter 8 – ESPECIALLY on the subject of the Trinity, a.k.a. the Deity of Christ.

As with the whole concept of Algebra, which I never could comprehend back when I was in high school, I DEFINITELY need someone of higher intelligence (or perhaps, Holy Spirit) than myself to sincerely “guide me” when it comes to believing that both Jesus Christ and God are the exact same entity. OR, is this one of these things in the Bible that we’re just supposed to, “take on Faith”?

• Jesus walked on water – I can’t really explain “how” he did that, but the Bible states it, that settles it, I believe it really happened.

• Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead – I can’t really explain “how” he did that, but the Bible states it, that settles it, I believe it really happened.

• God parted the Red Sea – I can’t really explain “how” He did that, but the Bible states it, that settles it, I believe it really happened.

* Jesus stated that “the meek shall inherit the earth” more than 2000 years ago yet there’s been no sign of that happening, but the Bible states it, that settles it, I believe it’s going to happen someday.

Perhaps the whole concept of the Trinity is supposed to be just like the aforementioned examples, something that we’re not suppose to be able to explain but just take on “Faith”, like God is omnipresent (everywhere at once), or, God has no beginning or no end.

But what I think makes the subject of the Trinity rather confusing is that there are approximately 40 verses in the New Testament of the Bible, which might indicate that God and Jesus are two separate entities. The word, “Trinity”, incidentally, is not mentioned even once in the Bible.

Granted, there are probably even more verses than that indicating that Jesus is God, including the fact that the Jews had Jesus crucified and nailed to a cross on the charge of Blasphemy (claiming he was God).

$64,000 Question: To a normal individual, how are they supposed to make heads or tails on what the Trinity is all about? In the book of 1 Corinthians, it states that God would not have us ignorant on spiritual matters, and it also states in the book of 1 Timothy that it’s God’s Will that all individuals be saved (eternal salvation) and come to the knowledge of the truth. So with that said, why did God make it so difficult for people to comprehend the whole Trinity concept? More than that, why is the Trinity such a “taboo” subject, which nobody in the Christian church really wants to discuss?

Personally, I was the local access TV coordinator for my church — New Beginning Fellowship — in Nashua NH (in 2015, this congregation moved to nearby Merrimack NH and renamed itself, New in Christ Bible Church). After seeing the YouTube video of the Evolution (Creation Debate 2014) debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye earlier this year – which I believe was excellent – I thought I could try the same type of televised discussion with the Trinity.

About 4-5 months ago, a woman who was a relative of a couple people from our church attended a Wednesday night Bible study and, out of the clear blue, raised the question – “Why do Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God? That makes no sense whatsoever.”

Our Pastor for whatever reason, then decided to change the topic of what we were supposed to discuss that evening to that of the Trinity. I thought, at the time, it was a little flippant on the Pastor’s part since it wasn’t exactly a national emergency, like 9-11, or the death of a church member.

Why would any Pastor automatically change the whole subject of a Bible study’s discussion based solely on a new visitor’s interruption? Shouldn’t there be some type of respect or protocol followed in this type of church service?

To add even more salt in the wound, the woman’s response to just about every scripture the Pastor cited was, “but it doesn’t make any sense that Jesus is his own Father, or that God is his own Son”, and yet he chose to pander this woman for two straight Bible study sessions (or a little more than two hours in two weeks). I mean it was pathetic enough that the original topic of that evening got completely sidetracked just to pander to this woman, but she offered no new questions to the discussion other than the Trinity doesn’t make any sense.

All through this “display”, I wasn’t quite sure if the Pastor was really zealous on pushing the “truth” about the Trinity, OR, obsessively flirting with this woman in a vain attempt to get in her skirt. Within about a month, I would get the answer to this question.

I knew for a fact that there are Christian groups who view themselves as anti-Trinitarian based on Biblical scriptures. In my younger years, I was even a member of one of these groups. I’m currently a member of a Facebook group, which holds fast to this belief that I joined when I noticed a couple of mutual Facebook friends were also members. Now let me say, up front, I never actually met the coordinator of this Facebook group, who resides in the Seattle area, but I did talk to him once on the phone to sort of gauge if he was mature and versed enough to discuss the Trinity on local access TV — although the false perception later on by Muster was that I must be “bosom buddies” with this guy because I joined his Facebook fan page.

So a couple of months ago, the coordinator for that Facebook group posted a message which he titled, “5 Questions for the Trinitarian” — they are as follows, along with the Biblical verses this guy based them on:

1) Revelation 1:1 reads that God gave Jesus this revelation. Does this make sense if Jesus is God?

[ Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:]

2) Jesus referred to his Father as “the only True God” in John 17:3, and even declared belief in this fact to be part of the definition of everlasting life. Are you prepared to disagree with Jesus that his Father is “the only true God”?

[John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.]

3) 1 Timothy 6:16 states that God is immortal and invisible, that no one has ever seen Him; yet your theology sets forth that God not only became visible, but then died. Are you willing to make such claims in stark contrast to clear Scripture?

[ 1 Timothy 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.]

4) Paul wrote that “for us there is one God, The Father (and one lord Jesus messiah),” yet according to your theology, Paul should have written “there is one God, The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” Shouldn’t I accept Scripture for what it plainly says? Are you comfortable adding your conclusions to clear Scripture?

[ 1 Corinthians 8:6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.]

5) 1 Timothy 2:5 states there is one mediator between God and humanity, that is, the man messiah Jesus. Does it make sense for Jesus to be a mediator between himself and humanity? He would no longer then be a mediator by definition. Does God expect us to discard logic while reading His word?

[ 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;]

Had we actually done the local access TV show, I would’ve added another good Bible verse to this bunch which is a direct quote from Jesus himself:

{And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. — Mark 10:18}

This also generates numerous more questions on the Trinity such as:

* If Jesus Christ hates the anti-Trinitarian belief so much, then why does the Bible state he’ll set up his Kingdom following his Second Coming in a region of the world (Jerusalem) that never acknowledged him as being God?

* Or, how about, why are fundamentalist Christians so up in arms about the Trinity, and yet it’s no big passionate deal with a subject like, Speaking in Tongues? Specifically, does Speaking in Tongues still exist today or not? Isn’t the Truth, supposed to be “the Truth”?

* Also, what about those who encourage people to read the Bible “literally” in light of the previous 5-6 verses? If someone is making an attempt to understand the Bible on their own, wouldn’t these verses serve as contradictions to the belief that Jesus Christ and God are the exact same entity? At the very least, perhaps encourage people to fellowship with other Christian believers or join a good Bible-based church to better understand God’s Word, particularly verses that appear to contradict other scriptures?

Now, if a Pastor were to ask his Congregation if they had any questions about anything in the Bible, why would the aforementioned be “off-limits”??? ESPECIALLY when the Pastor specifically proclaimed, while pandering to this woman, that he would absolutely love to have a special “Discovery Night” just to publicly answer anybody’s questions about the Bible?

So when I approached the Pastor on doing a local access TV show about the Trinity, with these five questions being asked, his response was basically 180 degrees opposite from what he showed this woman 4-5 months earlier. I even arranged for the coordinator of that Facebook ministry from Seattle, to join in the TV discussion via Skype but the Pastor wanted nothing to do with it so it wouldn’t further promote, in any way, his Facebook fan page. Oh well.

After going back-and-forth with Muster for a couple months, he chose to address these questions before a Wednesday night Bible study – AGAIN — instead of the TV studio for a show. It should be noted here that this guy operates a secular business in the same building as our church, and the vast majority, about 90 percent of the folks who attend this middle of the week Bible study are either employees or relatives of those employees in his business. Go figure on that one.

The Pastor looked as if he could play on one of those “Have a Snickers” commercials – the ones that say, “You’re not YOU when you’re hungry”. For nearly the same amount of time he spent pandering (or should I say, flirting) with the woman of 4-5 months earlier, he appeared angry until the very end which he basically insinuated that I was possessed with an Anti-Christ spirit, even though he misquoted the verses cited in 1 John 2:22-23 and 2 John 1:1:7-11. It sort of reminded me of when former President Bill Clinton was being badgered by a reporter on his extra-marital affair and responded by saying, “I’m going to say this just one more time – I DID NOT HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT WOMAN, MS. LEWINSKY!!!

It was as if he was simply diverting his “secret sin” from the Congregation. Those verses talk about acknowledging and respecting the roles of Father God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I definitely always have respected these roles, even though I may not have always viewed Jesus Christ as God, or God as Jesus Christ. I think those particular verses are more relevant to Christians forming friendships, particularly marriages, with people of Eastern religions, who don’t acknowledge Jesus Christ or the Bible whatsoever in their particular faiths. Just for the record here, for the first 19 years of my life, I always started and ended my prayers by saying, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” — the Catholic church NEVER explained or taught me the significance of doing that, I simply did that because everybody else did it. I’m sure that has to account for something in God’s eyes.

So shortly after he mentioned these verses with his usual fake smirk on his face, the church’s Worship (song) Leader (whose wife works for this Pastor’s business, and is also an in-law to the woman I mentioned earlier) chimed in by saying to me in front of the congregation, “Hey you want my notes, I’ve got some good notes here on this subject.”

Phony-baloney Wednesday night Prayer Requests

Now let me just interject a little bit on this Worship Leader — it seemed like at every Wednesday night Bible study, when the Pastor would openly ask for any prayer requests, this guy would quickly chime-in, “I would like to pray for Bill (or whoever, just fill-in the blank) who’s a guy at work I’ve been sharing the Gospel with”. Now at a quick glimpse, that’s fantastic, except that at a workplace, you’re primarily there to work and do a job, NOT to spread the Gospel. But week after week, month after month, this Worship Leader would request for prayer at the Wednesday night service, another person he “supposedly” shared the Gospel with at work, YET, the new people visiting this congregation, were few and far between. Nobody ever dared challenged this Worship Leader on “how was ‘so-and-so’ doing at his job, who we prayed for last Wednesday night”, that would be sort of insinuating the guy was a Liar (heaven forbid), so everybody in that congregation just sort of blindly took this guy’s word for it that he was “sharing the Gospel” with all these folks that he works with.

Funny thing — a few months after I left New Beginning Fellowship, I hooked up with a former high school classmate of mine and that guy’s wife just happened to work for the same company as this Worship Leader. When I asked her if she ever heard about this guy “sharing the Gospel” — or the Bible — with any of her fellow colleagues at work, she told me that she never came across any stories about that guy doing anything like that. Something like that would’ve spread like wildfire — especially at a secular type company. Maybe even prompt a few employees to file complaints with their superiors on Religious Harassment against this guy. Now she did tell me that the guy had some type of Christian-related article displayed at his own work space, but nothing which he was actually initiating conversations with his fellow employees’ beliefs on God.

Unfortunately, this Worship Leader continued perpetuating this Lie week after week, month after month (maybe even year after year) — probably all in a vain attempt to impress everybody else in the congregation — to pray for a supposed specific person at work that he had recently ‘shared the Gospel’ with. Keep in mind too, this was all while the self-proclaimed ‘Holier-than-Thou’ Pastor ignored any specifics whatever this guy was actually saying in his prayer requests and simply pretended like there was nothing wrong with this rather weird and bizarre arrangement every week. So much for, Truth and Honesty on prayer requests in churches, I guess.

This particular guy also had an uncanny knack for chiming in with his opinion on Biblical discussions he had absolutely no clue about. For example, one time when we were talking about wine and being drunk as cited in Biblical scripture, this guy would spout out, “Alcohol just wasn’t as potent back in those days.” Everybody would look at this guy, seemingly asking themselves in unison, “Really??? According to WHAT source??? Chapter and Verse on that, please???” It just appeared that this guy would say things like this just to dupe everyone else into believing that he’s “the smartest guy in the room”, or maybe a “spiritual heavy”, when in actuality, he really doesn’t know jack BLEEP.

So getting back to the Worship Leader’s offer to get his Trinity notes, I did take this guy’s notes, which came in really handy for me about a month later.

The Pastor, when it was time to do the TV taping, played ignorant on the specific date and said he was really busy with Integrity Laser and couldn’t possibly do the studio taping till after the New Year. So I asked him if he’d have a problem with me doing this show with our church’s Worship Leader instead since he claimed to know the Trinity so well during the Wednesday night Bible study. The Pastor agreed.

When I saw this Worship Leader that Sunday morning, I asked him what was a better night for him to do the Nashua TV show taping, Tuesday or Thursday? Can you say, “Deer in the Headlights”? It was obvious by the look on his face that this guy didn’t have a BLEEPIN clue on this topic, despite the fact that a month or so earlier he publicly boasted and bragged on just how “simple” the concept of the Trinity was all about.

And besides serving as the Worship Leader, this guy has done a number of Sunday sermons to fill-in a few times when the Pastor was away either on business or vacation, so I assume the man was more than willing to preach on topics he was familiar with and shy away from topics he wasn’t too versed on.

I said to him, “wow, I never realized that you were Lying during those Bible studies just to impress your wife and in-laws.” He criticized me afterwards for calling him out like that, but then I responded that he publicly called me out in front of the whole congregation on not being able to comprehend the Trinity.

Incidentally, it should be noted here that this Worship Leader was the ONLY person – out of about 10 people that said ANYTHING during Muster’s rant on the Trinity. It was as if these people were simply taking the Pastor’s word for it rather than trying to understand what the Bible was actually saying about the Trinity. I seriously got to question if ANY of these other folks could logically explain the Trinity to one of their neighbors, co-workers, or relatives.

Getting back to the notes that this Worship Leader gave me at the Bible study several weeks earlier, I gave him back those notes and told him to study them in preparation for our TV show appearance. He still insisted that I keep those so I could better understand the concept of the Trinity myself — what’s wrong with this picture??? How the heck can I understand the Trinity through this guy’s notes when he doesn’t have the first clue on this subject with these same notes?? To quote Jesus, that would be like, “the Blind leading the Blind”. Absolutely ridiculous!

The Pastor, I think, was trying to hide his “secret sin” of openly flirting with this woman, despite that fact that he’s been married for over 30 years and still refers his wife as, his “beautiful bride”. Personally, I now see this man as phony as a 3-dollar bill, just like the fake smirk on his face and his usual statement, “Praise God, Hallelujah” which he repeats like a demented little parrot every 30 seconds or so to try to dupe everybody on just how religious he thinks he is. Muster is like Nashua’s answer to, Joel Osteen.

It should be noted here too that, not only didn’t the woman who believed the Trinity didn’t make any sense soon quit attending New Beginning Fellowship, but we also had in the fairly recent past a rash of established members, serving on the Worship Team, elders, etc., — mostly middle-aged females, who quit attending this church. When asked why, Muster would simply revert back to his “have a Snickers” mode and respond by saying, “why don’t YOU call them up and ask them yourself”? So rather than attempting to follow Jesus’ example cited in the Parable of the One Lost Sheep — Luke 15:1-7 (which, incidentally, most Christians ought to be following) — this Pastor would instead much rather use the standard practice of former FOX News icons Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly by simply insinuating: screw ’em, I didn’t really want these folks in my congregation any way. Unbelievable!

What this Pastor failed to realize is that a small congregation, which this church definitely qualifies as such, is like a tight-knit family – it’s only human nature to inquire why someone would choose to leave. It makes a heck of a lot more sense to talk about that than it does, out of the clear blue, to simply pander to a visitor of the opposite sex and discuss the Trinity for two straight weeks.

…there is no new thing under the sun. — Ecclesiastes 1:9

Just for laughs and giggles, I Googled the keyword phrase, “trinity debate” and immediately came up with 21.7 million items in response. Contrary to my now former church, is it fairly safe to assume that Yours Truly WAS NOT the first person in the world to come up with the idea of publicly debating the Trinity (or the Deity of Christ)?

For a better perspective on what exactly 22 million hits on a Google search means, compare these two hot button Christian controversies that most individuals would probably assume could draw a lot more attention than “trinity debate”: “born gay or choice debate”, 11,100,000; “abortion God debate”, 13,900,000; and, “Speaking in Tongues“, 16,300,000. From a secular standpoint, popular TV talk show hosts Oprah Winfrey (22,100,000) and Ellen DeGeneres (21,800,000) each have about as many Google search hits as, “trinity debate”.

Incidentally, when I Googled the key phrase, Most Frequently Asked Bible Questions, the “Trinity” somehow amply popped up in both the popular sites offering questions and topics. This just further established Muster to be in denial and just plain wrong about insinuating that I was the ONLY person on the planet who didn’t have a good understanding of the Trinity.

So again, why do you suppose that is; if we’re all to just assume that the vast majority of Christians and Catholics in the world – or even here in the United States of America – have a better than average comprehension and understanding of what the Trinity is supposedly all about? By process of elimination from any trinity-related research: Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims don’t acknowledge Jesus Christ as part of their religion; Jews don’t acknowledge Jesus as being the Messiah or God; and Atheists simply don’t believe in God — therefore, I would assume the vast majority of the 22+ million in the Google search on the keywords, “trinity debate” were confused Christians and Catholics on this topic.

The very first item in my Google search was a YouTube video titled: Trinity Debate: Is Jesus God or the Son of God? It was initiated by a group called, Restoration Fellowship in 12-27-11, which was almost three years BEFORE we were supposed to do our show on Nashua Access TV. This production has already got nearly 90,000 views and lasts a little more than an hour. This same organization made a Part 2 video to this same Debate, and that’s already gotten about 36,000 views on YouTube.

Now is it unrealistic to think (or pray) this church in Nashua would’ve had the same type of viewing success with our Trinity debate as Restoration Fellowship has already got with theirs? Or at least attract a fairly good amount of the Christians and Christian wannabes in the southern New Hampshire area to check out the show for themselves and watch it? Well, when your congregation membership has been floundering and stagnant with about 14 people for well over the past decade, why not try something new and give it a shot? Besides that, I’ve always been a firm believer in the cliche, “If a Church isn’t Growing, then it must be Dying”, and this particular congregation, for all intents and purposes, has been dead now for a long, long time.

In the great words of pro Hockey legend and Hall-of-Famer Wayne Gretzky: “You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don’t take.”

Bottom Line: I knew it wasn’t going to be a healthy situation for me to remain a part of a church, which Muster falsely insinuated that I had an “anti-christ spirit” – most of the Congregation soon viewed me like someone afflicted with AIDS or the Ebola virus. And that’s the “thanks” I got from others in this church for trying to initiate a Biblically provocative media production like this? Why didn’t this Pastor say that to my face, one-on-one, before going to the Congregation? Why didn’t he call the guy from Seattle (who authored these, “5 Questions for the Trinitarian”) an “anti-Christ spirit” personally on our local TV show via Skype? I certainly don’t need that crap in my life right now.

And getting back to that “Creation Debate 2014” between Bill Nye and Ken Ham — which has already drew more hits on YouTube in less than a year than any other video on Evolution — would Muster claim that the person(s) responsible for initiating and coordinating this event must have an “anti-christ” or a “Devil” spirit for having the audacity of teaming a Christian and an Atheist together for a public televised discussion like this? If not, then what would be the difference with having a similar type of televised public forum on the Trinity?

Nationally popular pastor John MacArthur was recently quoted as saying on his radio show that winning people to Jesus Christ is a lot more about “humility” than it is “knowledge”. Amen to that! The Pastor is pretty sharp when it comes to quoting Bible scriptures but is just plain ignorant when it comes to dealing with people on a “humble” and “meek” level — unless, of course, the person in question is a fairly attractive female then, at that point, the sleazeball would just rationalize his behavior as simply, different. Lucky for him, I guess, that he employs (or formerly employed) a good portion of the congregation in his business, which is also housed in this same church building. Looking back, it really doesn’t surprise me that even regular broadcast exposure on a Nashua local access cable TV station for almost three years hasn’t and won’t improve the membership numbers of this church.

Furthermore, with a church this small in its congregation, wouldn’t one assume that the guy would respond to legitimate emails and phone calls within a day or so? I guess that I happen to be the wrong gender for this Pastor’s liking, because when I would approach him a week or so later, he would bark and criticize me for not “downloading the message” for him. Heaven forbid!

This whole incident was like blessing in disguise for me, not only “shaking off the proverbial dust and moving on” from the potential Trinity show which never quite came into fruition on Nashua local access TV, but also leaving a church that had a stagnant membership of under 20 people for at least the past decade – most of whom are either employees or employees’ relatives of Muster. It sure sounds like a train wreck waiting to happen and I would just assume not be a part of that particular train wreck.

About a half year after this Trinity debate fiasco, which never took place, the Pastor uprooted and relocated his business and church — now a Southern Baptist church referred to as, ‘New in Christ Bible Church’ — to nearby Merrimack NH. What’s that old cliche they say about, Karma? I have no clue how well or badly his business is doing in its new location, but the New in Christ Bible Church appears to be doing extremely poor according to both its Facebook and YouTube sites under the guidance and direction of the same Pastor.

Referring to the owner of NiC’s condo unit as: Psalm 24:1 LLC

One thing that Muster claimed he disliked were T.V. evangelists who would name their Ministries after themselves rather than something which would prompt people to worship God instead. I’m not quite sure if this had anything to do with God hopefully blessing the condo unit for the New in Christ Bible Church, but the name of the entity listed on the Property Deed for this particular congregation as the “Owner(s)” is, Psalm 24-1 LLC. To break down what exactly this Bible verse states, it’s as follows:

The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein. — Psalms 24:1

Now don’t get me wrong, knowing God Almighty is fully responsible for Heaven, Earth, the entire solar system, and everything therein, is just a truly awesome thing to imagine — but what the heck does it have to do with, the New in Christ Bible Church??? Other than, of course, if the congregation ever wanted to terminate Muster from being Pastor of the NiC church, HE now owns the condo unit which the church services were taking place. So in all likelihood, if Muster chose NOT to either rent or sell that condo unit to the congregation, NiC would be legally forced to move to another location. But since the vast majority of these church members were either Integrity Laser employees, or relatives to Integrity Laser workers, this had little-to-no chance of ever taking place. Think of Muster as both their Pastor and Boss (AT LEAST most of these folks) at the same time. Hence, if you tweak Psalms 24:1 a little bit, it’s almost as if Muster wanted people to think of himself in that honorary status, at least regarding the operations of NiC, and Integrity Laser.

Why wouldn’t Muster refer to the owners of the LiC condo unit on the property Deed as, for example: 2 Corinthians 5:17 LLC ? Translated, this verse is interpreted as: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. I mean, when the property in question is called, ‘New in Christ Bible Church’, wouldn’t the perfect Biblical segue be: 2 Corinthians 5:17 LLC ? It makes sense to me, I’m fairly sure it would also make sense to most people as well.

Hopefully and prayerfully, God will inspire someone, somewhere to do a YouTube production on the Trinity to make it more comprehensible for just about anybody to understand. Incidentally, I came across a popular YouTube video that I posted in the Comments section of this Thread, which might help people better comprehend the subject of the Trinity in the Bible.

UPDATE August 2019: Less than four years after New in Christ Bible Church established itself in Merrimack NH, Jeff Muster chose to finally close its doors and dissolve itself as a congregation. Having been associated with this congregation since its inception when it was called, New Beginning Fellowship, I’m not quite sure who was more ‘at fault’ for this establishment going “belly up”, Muster for duping the church membership that ‘prayer alone’ would prompt God to do something supernatural while Muster peddled his bike around the country, or the Board of Elders (one of whom actually worked for Muster’s laser business when he got laid off from a job) for allowing Muster to continue to serve as Pastor for 17 years when he should’ve been justifiably fired after about two years. But since New in Christ Bible Church was floundering at the end with somewhere between a dozen to two dozen members, it was just a great blessing to end it all and have the members go their own separate ways.

FILE UNDER: Thank God for small miracles.