Archives for posts with tag: White House

‘The Great Cocaine Cover Up’ by Newsmax TV host Chris Salcedo is a fascinating report on how a ‘Dime Bag’ of Cocaine could’ve made it into the White House “undetected” this past Sunday. Aside from the fact that this is one of the most secured facilities in the World, with surveillance cameras just about everywhere imaginable, it begs the question – Is the Secret Service THAT incompetent, OR, do they just choose NOT to publicly reveal who’s the Guilty Culprit? This video is approximately eight (8) minutes long.

$64,000 Question – Where’s the Accident Report? What exactly caused this “Accident”? As far as “Proof” goes, please show us all the “Proof”, Facebook ‘Fact Checker(s)’, regarding Donald Trump’s TWO (2) Impeachments & his recent Indictment in New York city? So many questions, so few answers.

What do YOU think America’s ‘Founding Fathers’ would’ve thought if they knew that someday ‘Drag Queens’ would be performing at the White House for politicians, along with our Country’s TV viewing audience?

What do YOU think of the recently released “Merchant of Death” prisoner from Russia going on that Country’s TV broadcast and making more sense than our own American President, pointing out the utter absurdity of teaching our 6-7 yoa kids that there are about 72 different genders?

Lastly, to all the Bible scholars out there: how close is America getting to becoming another, Sodom and Gomorrah?

YouTube blogger Mark Dice offers an Excellent perspective on these things and more on this video.

Lunden Roberts posed with her daughter Navy, who was fathered by Hunter Biden, in a Facebook photo from 2021.
Lunden Roberts/Facebook

Hunter Biden’s love child snubbed again in White House stocking display

By Jesse O’Neill, New York Post

November 28, 2022 2:38 p.m.

The only thing worse than getting coal in your stocking is not even having one hung for you.

For the second straight year, the Biden White House’s holiday display did not include a stocking for first son Hunter Biden’s out-of-wedlock daughter.

First lady Jill Biden unveiled photos of the first family’s Christmas decorations on Monday, complete with 77 Christmas trees bearing more than 83,000 lights and stockings hanging over the mantle in the State Dining Room for the Biden grandchildren — with one notable exception.

Hunter and ex-wife Kathleen Buhle’s three daughters Naomi, Finnegan and Maisy were represented — along with Naomi’s new husband Peter Neal as well as Natalie and Hunter, the two children of the late Beau Biden and his widow Hallie.

Still another stocking bore the name “Baby,” an apparent reference to Hunter’s two-year-old son Beau with second wife Melissa Cohen, while the last two were set aside for first dog Commander and first cat Willow.

A close up of the stocking display
The White House pets were included in the State Dining Room stocking display, but not the 4-year-old girl fathered by the first son.

Hunter’s 4-year-old daughter, Navy Jones Roberts — who was born out of wedlock to former stripper Lunden Roberts in 2018 — was not included in the festive display. The first family reportedly has not met the child.

Hunter, 52, initially denied that he was Navy’s dad, saying he had “no recollection” of meeting her mother despite the fact that she danced at a DC strip club he frequented while dating his widowed sister-in-law Hallie.

“That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for,” he wrote of his drug-fueled sex “rampages” in his 2021 memoir “Beautiful Things.”

After a DNA test showed he was the father, Hunter settled with Roberts for an undisclosed sum in 2020.

Under the agreement, Hunter would provide Roberts with an undisclosed amount of monthly child support and provide healthcare coverage for the child.

Roberts was also on the payroll at Hunter’s consulting firm during her pregnancy until she was kicked off the company’s insurance plan after giving birth, according to text messages reviewed by The Post.

In February of this year, Roberts reportedly testified before a federal grand jury investigating the former first son on potential charges including tax fraud and violations of overseas lobbying laws.

Hunter Biden
First son HunterBiden, who’s also the biological father of Navy Jones Roberts.

A paternity test proved Hunter Biden was the father.

Roberts broke her silence on her former paramour the following month after her lawyer predicted that the embattled first son would be indicted.

“I have never opined on Hunter’s financial affairs to anyone and do not anticipate doing so,” the 31-year-old exclusively told The Post in March.

“I remain solely focused on the safety and well-being of our child,” she said.

What do you think? Post a comment.

Roberts’ lawyer, Clint Lancaster told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette last year that Navy had never met her biological father.

“Every child needs loving parents and loving grandparents,” Lancaster told the outlet. “This child could stand a relationship with her father. She could stand a relationship with her grandfather.”

YouTube blogger Liberal Hivemind does an excellent report on FOX News anchor Tucker Carlson depicting some obvious moments of President Joe Biden on the public stage which for some reason are simply being ignored by our Mainstream Media. How much longer can the Liberals just “pretend” and “make believe” that President Biden’s Dementia doesn’t really exist?
The Many, Many, Many Accomplishments of President Joseph Robinette Biden /// 1-20-21 thru 7-16-22

Whoever created this Meme is a very intelligent individual.
A damn good promotion for Americans to Vote in the Midterm Elections on Tuesday, November 8th.
Former White House staffer (specifically, a former aide to then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows) Cassidy Hutchinson is shown here testifying before the Congressional January 6th Committee last week in Washington D.C.

Since December is ONLY now FIVE (5) months away, could THIS woman possibly be named, TIME magazine’s “2022 Person of the Year“? Keep in mind here, Liberal political and media pundits have already referred to her Congressional testimony last week as: “Brave“, “Bombshell“, “Game-Changer“, and, “Historic“.

Lastly, and probably MOST IMPORTANTLY, she’s just a SMOKIN’ HOT YOUNG LADY, which I’m sure the guys @ the extremely ULTRA LIBERAL Time mag will take into SERIOUS CONSIDERATION when it presents its phony-baloney annual award to somebody this year. Besides that, it’s been quite a while since Time magazine has given its, Person of the Year award to someone who is/was “Republican“. Since Ms. Hutchinson formerly worked in the Trump administration, she could legitimately be viewed as a former Republican, and perhaps give Time magazine at least some semblance of being, “objective” to give this award to someone besides a, Democrat (or Liberal) for once.