Archives for posts with tag: White House Press Secretary

When the Biden administration started, I just figured when I saw Jen Psaki as the White House Press Secretary, this woman was married to a Japanese guy. HOWEVER, after reading thru this Meme, it makes a lot more sense that her name was derived from the Russian word, “Psaking”, which it appears is a lot more fitting for her Personality, along with her Modus Operandi.

So I guess referring to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki as “the Worse” goes way beyond her repeated “I’ll have to, ‘Circle Back’ on that” indicating that she really doesn’t do her homework prior to these Press Conferences — she’s also very ignorant and inconsiderate regarding the Republican party or former president, Donald Trump.

And what about photo of her in this video posing with a Russian official and Climate Czar John Kerry, while wearing a hat given to her with a Communist Hammer and Sickle symbol in front?

Blogger Michael Knowles does an excellent job depicting many of the shortcomings of Ms. Psaki. This video is a little more than 11 minutes in length.

The famous Double Standard of the very Liberal, Mainstream Media was in full display recently by Newsmax TV show host, Greg Kelly. Specifically, Kelly pointed out how President Joe Biden rehashed a blatant Lie he made back when he was a U.S. Senator in 2007 regarding being physically shot at while in a combat zone. It was then pointed out to then-Senator Biden that he was in a “Green Zone area”, which had experienced being shot at but never while Biden was present. So despite now President Biden saying the same Lie again about 14 years later, our trusty Media never bothered to challenge him on it.

Then in light of the Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene losing her committee assignments due in large part to comments she posted on Social Media BEFORE she was elected to public office, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki apparently got a FREE PASS just last August for posting a clearly Homophobic Tweet directed at Senator Lindsey Graham. Regarding a publicized Senate hearing, Psaki who was over 40-something last Summer, referred to Senator Graham as “Lady G” because she didn’t like the questions Graham was asking former White House staffer Sally Yates.

So how is Psaki publicly insinuating that Senator Graham is Gay in that Tweet any less Hateful than anything Greene posted before she was elected as a Congresswoman? So many question, so few answers.

This video is less than 12 minutes.

These two look so much alike it’s just downright Freaky. Just sayin

$64,000 Question: Are White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg different people, or the exact same person? The similarities between those two are absolutely stunning. Is it possible they could be twin siblings? More on this controversy as it unfolds.


A certain extremely pompous member of the White House Press Corp came off looking a little stupid on national TV last week when he asked recently hired Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany about what specific Crime(s) were committed in the Obamagate scandal? The Obama-gate scandal was initiated following a rash of court improprieties surrounding the conviction of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

Fortunately for the arrogant reporter, he was wearing a Coronavirus facial mask so not too many people knew who he was — which I’m sure made him feel much better after asking McEnany such a stupid question.
