Archives for category: AOC
New York congresswoman AOC appears to literally be in tears over unaccompanied Illegal Alien youngsters in “cages” during the Trump administration, but then seems to be “All Smiles” when these same kids are involved in similar incidents, along with Child Trafficking, during the current Biden administration. Can you say, ‘Double Standard’?
$64,000 Question — Was Congresswoman AOC just a wee bit “Hypocritical” in her recent Tweet regarding the Jesus-related T.V. ad that appeared on the Super Bowl this past Sunday night? Popular YouTube blogger, Republican Latina, (a.k.a. Ana Isabel Martinez), weighs-in with her take on this rather controversial subject matter. This video is approximately five minutes long. Enjoy.

Incidentally, if you’re interested in checking out the actual TV commercial, which riled up the emotions of AOC during this past Super Bowl — the website address is: . Please feel free to log on and check it out for yourself.

Say it ain’t so, AOC! You “appeared” so convincing when you were down at the Southern Border in Texas two years ago, when you were accusing then-President Donald Trump of treating the Illegal Aliens down there “horribly”. Like how the kids were put in cages & how they were all drinking out of toilets, and now, we got a chance to move some into your District in the Bronx, and you’re now acting like you want absolutely nothing to do with them??? Are YOU, AOC every bit the Hypocrite as the residents of Martha’s Vineyard? I just lost all faith in you, young lady.
YouTube blogger Mark Dice describes a recent incident (a.k.a. publicity stunt) between Internet comedian Alex Stein delivering a “cat call” to Congresswoman AOC for having a nice “booty” while she was walking up the steps of the Capitol building (a.k.a.. Congress). Please watch this video for yourself and draw your own conclusions.
Comedian Alex Stein’s actual video with Congresswoman AOC in “real time”
Apparently on the evening he delivered his now famous “booty call” (or should I say, “cat call”) to Congresswoman AOC, Stein was scheduled to perform in a Washington D.C. comedy club. Unfortunately, when AOC learned about this, she contacted the comedy club and forced them to cancel that performance. Not to be undone by AOC and her nice “booty”, Stein simply took his act to the steps of Congress and decided to perform his routine (schtick?) anyway for a handful of his many fans.

Here we go again, ladies and gentlemen, those purveyors of “Truth”, a.k.a. Facebook Fact Checkers are still at it, this time in defense of that ‘Mensa Queen’, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who isn’t exactly a stranger to making some rather stupid statements in public.

This time, AOC, posted a Tweet on 5/20/20, urging Governors to maintain restriction on businesses till the Presidential Election on 11/3/20 (almost six months later) to ensure that Donald Trump loses his reelection bid for the Presidency. AOC continues in the Tweet that “a few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his (Trump’s) presidency.”

AOC deleted that Tweet soon afterwards probably at the suggestion of several allies and colleagues telling her how stupid that came across by insinuating that a few businesses dissolving and people losing their jobs was no big deal if it meant Trump would soon become a “private citizen”.

Long story short, when I tried posting the aforementioned Meme on Facebook, its Fact-Checkers chimed in by calling it a, ‘Pants on Fire’ lie. Again, AOC did delete the Tweet, but why doesn’t Facebook give Donald Trump the same type of privileges as AOC — in fact, Trump is banned from posting on Facebook and has been since several months before Election?

So many questions, so few answers.

Can you say, “Big Tech bias”?

Among the Memes which Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ have now blocked on my Facebook page — other than the aforementioned — include a Meme which President Joe Biden favored school-aged children wanting transgender operations. Funny thing, during the second Presidential debate, then candidate Biden took a question from a woman in the audience regarding an eight-year-old child wanting a sex change operation, which Biden was more than willing to accommodate. Within a month after his inauguration, President Biden has now made it legal for Transsexual boys to compete and then shower with biological girls in public school sports.

Last week, the Facebook ‘Fact Checker’ blocked another Meme drawing attention to the sharp price increases of gasoline and lumber since Biden was inaugurated. The Fact Checker claimed this was a False Meme because the price of gas and lumber spiked up dramatically because of COVID-19. Actually, the USA has been under a “National COVID Pandemic” for a little more than a year now (about 13-14 months). Biden has ONLY served as President now for just over 100 days (less than four full months). This begs the question, why didn’t gas and lumber prices “spike” during the Donald Trump presidential administration?

So one would assume that these brilliant Facebook ‘Fact Checkers’ would love to come a page like mine and engage in a little back-and-forth exchange. Well, if you assumed that, you’d be dead wrong! No phone number, no email address, just a little discoloration over the Meme claiming the statements were inaccurate.

I guess I can understand both Facebook, along with its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, backing Joe Biden only to see this guy becoming one of the absolute worst Presidents in U.S. history, but at least have the ‘Testicular Fortitude’ to defend your own statements.

So many questions here, so few answers.

$64,000 Question: Do you honestly believe Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ( a.k.a., AOC ) is as Stupid as she seems to be, OR, is she really just playing the American people as a bunch of Fools?

She’s the Author of the, “Green New Deal” due to the fact that “Cow Farts” are literally destroying our Environment and the World will end within 12 years unless we start doing something NOW!

When she first got elected to Congress, AOC did a Podcast from her Apartment on how fancy-schmancy it was to have a Garbage Disposal because that was the first time she ever had something like that.

So if Donald Trump should get reelected on Nov. 3rd, how close do you suppose AOC will be to replacing Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker — assuming, of course, the Democrats maintain its majority in the House of Representatives? And, if AOC were to become House Speaker in January, would it be because of her Leadership Savvy and brilliant intelligence, OR, because she’s attractive and popular?

After listening to YouTube blogger Mark Dice’s latest video, I’m wondering if about 5-10 years from now, Americans might discover that AOC’s Congressional reign was nothing but a big joke and all of her constituents will get screwed over as a result.

Dice talks about in his video that female comedians like Lucille Ball and Suzanne Somers made a good living for themselves by “acting dumb” when they were actually very smart in real life. I guess we’ll all have to wait and see if AOC is the real deal or just a phony baloney.