Archives for category: bias

Why the BLEEP doesn’t Joe Biden ever Blink his Eyes???

Watch this video, which is a little over nine (9) minutes in length, on how the Media tries to proclaim that Donald Trump has some type of early “Dementia”, on off-the-wall physical behaviors he may have experienced YET, they choose to completely Ignore Biden’s actions, which appear far more concerning.

Popular podcaster Andrew of, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Production’ initiated this Video.

Approximately 95 percent of Christo Aivalis’ YouTube videos have had AT LEAST some mention of former President Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump as been a “Private Citizen” now for almost three (3) years. In this photo, Mr. Aivalis appears here as if he’s Constipated or something.

This is what I posted on this particular YouTube video by Mr. Aivalis. As you might’ve already guessed, Christo never bothered to respond to my comments – probably because this little jerk doesn’t have the “Testicular Fortitude” to do so.

First of all, Christo, in this 15 minute video, Congresswoman Bobert was NEVER ‘pelted with food by the audience, from head-to-toe’. Secondly, you titled this video, “Lauren Boebert has been ARRESTED with Her Kids in the Car!”-Another LIE by Mr. Aivalis! “When” & “Where” did U.S. Rep ever get “ARRESTED”, Christo? Lastly, you’re here bitching about Boebert bringing up Donald Trump since he’s been a “Private Citizen” now for almost 3 years – let’s get Honest here, Christo, Donald Trump’s activity has consisted of AT LEAST 95% of YOUR STUPID Blog! Perhaps you ought to do a Blog on how your own Blog here on YouTube really SUCKS!

$64,000 QUESTION: Does there appear to be a blatant Media bias whenever comparing the Physical/Mental Fitness between Joe Biden & Donald Trump? Here’s YouTube blogger, Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ weighing-in on the differences between the two. Can you say, “Double Standard“? This video is approximately 11 minutes long.

As you’re watching this video, please keep in mind that 11 other Jurors (or at least the majority of them) serving on the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury against former President Donald Trump voted this woman, Emily Kohrs 30 yoa, as their Foreperson. This begs the question — were these people Mentally-Deranged or something like that?

Did you ever wonder if the problem with the American Justice system is a blatant lack of getting good, objective, level-headed citizens to serve on Jury Duty? Meet Emily Kohrs, 30 yoa, who recently served as the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury Foreperson in a Court Trial against former president Donald Trump on if there was any illegal misconduct on trying to sway the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in that State.

Judging from this interview with both CNN and MSNBC, is THIS the mindset of a Grand Jury Foreperson you’d expect to hear being interviewed by the National Media? BTW, did I mention that according to her own Social Media pages, Ms. Kohrs is a bonafide, self-proclaimed Witch?

Any questions as to “WHY” former president Donald Trump has NEVER been convicted of anything & probably NEVER will?

New York Post, front page, 5-19-22

$64,000 Question: Why can’t great daily Newspapers of about 25 years ago — like the Boston Globe, NH Union-Leader, or even, the Lowell Sun — ever publish on its Front Page, THE TRUTH OF WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA!!!

Ya know, sort of like the New York Post did in its publication this morning. Instead, we get all these once great newspapers tell us day-after-day, year-after-year that these BLATANT LIES like that Joe Biden is the “greatest President in U.S. History”, when truth be told, nothing could be further from the truth!!!
