Archives for category: MSNBC

Arguably, the absolute greatest Liberal Journalist in America, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, turns 50 today! Happy Half Century Mark, young lady!

Keep on “trashing” former president Donald Trump all while you make stupid-looking faces in the camera & constantly shuffle papers on your desk — probably in a vain attempt to sound more intelligent than Sean Hannity of FOX News, even though he’s simply crushing your pathetic little T.V. show in the Ratings every single Quarter. Incidentally, does anyone else see the utter irony here that Ms. Maddow appropriately shares her birth date on, April Fools Day?

Hey, have yourself a blast today, Rachel, you old Geezer !

As you’re watching this video, please keep in mind that 11 other Jurors (or at least the majority of them) serving on the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury against former President Donald Trump voted this woman, Emily Kohrs 30 yoa, as their Foreperson. This begs the question — were these people Mentally-Deranged or something like that?

Did you ever wonder if the problem with the American Justice system is a blatant lack of getting good, objective, level-headed citizens to serve on Jury Duty? Meet Emily Kohrs, 30 yoa, who recently served as the Fulton County (GA) Grand Jury Foreperson in a Court Trial against former president Donald Trump on if there was any illegal misconduct on trying to sway the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in that State.

Judging from this interview with both CNN and MSNBC, is THIS the mindset of a Grand Jury Foreperson you’d expect to hear being interviewed by the National Media? BTW, did I mention that according to her own Social Media pages, Ms. Kohrs is a bonafide, self-proclaimed Witch?

Any questions as to “WHY” former president Donald Trump has NEVER been convicted of anything & probably NEVER will?

Can you say, “Double Standard”? How about, “Hypocrite”? Apparently, MSNBC is painting a whole new ‘set of rules’ here which apply to Congressmen Gosar & MTG; but NOT EXACTLY to Schiff & Swalwell. YouTube blogger, Trump Fan Network, reveals a fascinating case to this controversy.

When the Biden administration started, I just figured when I saw Jen Psaki as the White House Press Secretary, this woman was married to a Japanese guy. HOWEVER, after reading thru this Meme, it makes a lot more sense that her name was derived from the Russian word, “Psaking”, which it appears is a lot more fitting for her Personality, along with her Modus Operandi.

Ariana Pekary

Former MSNBC producer Ariana Pekary

MSNBC Producer Quits, Calls Network ‘Cancer’ That’s Dividing Americans

Former employee accuses network of amplifying ‘fringe voices’

By: Jack Murphy | @NeonNettle
on 4th August 2020 @ 2.00pm

A former producer for MSNBC explained why she quit her role in a scathing letter, calling the left-leaning anti-Trump TV network a “cancer” that is “stoking national division” among Americans.

Ariana Pekary accused MSNBC of amplifying “fringe voices” while forcing “journalists to make bad decisions on a daily basis.”

Pekary wrote on her personal website:

“July 24th was my last day at MSNBC. I don’t know what I’m going to do next exactly but I simply couldn’t stay there anymore.”

“My colleagues are very smart people with good intentions. The problem is the job itself. It forces skilled journalists to make bad decisions on a daily basis.”

Pekary also shared quotes of what people said to her during her years while working for MSNBC before pondering the harmful effect the network is having on society.

‘As it is, this cancer stokes national division, even in the middle of a civil rights crisis,’ Pekary said.

Pekary said MSNBC was “practically baked into the editorial process,” saying a decision on coverage was aimed at generating the most ratings.

“Industry leaders will admit the damage that’s being done,” she revealed.

“We are a cancer and there is no cure. But if you could find a cure, it would change the world,” one high profile TV veteran reportedly told her.

“As it is, this cancer stokes national division, even in the middle of a civil rights crisis,” Pekary said.

“The model blocks diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentive to amplify fringe voices and events, at the expense of others… all because it pumps up the ratings.”

“Context and factual data are often considered too cumbersome for the audience,” Pekary later added.

“There may be some truth to that (our education system really should improve the critical thinking skills of Americans) – but another hard truth is that it is the job of journalists to teach and inform, which means they might need to figure out a better way to do that.”

MSNBC famously pushed the Trump/Russian collusion before their ratings plummeted after special counsel Robert Mueller cleared Trump last year.

“They could contemplate more creative methods for captivating an audience. Just about anything would improve the current process, which can be pretty rudimentary (think basing today’s content on whatever rated well yesterday, or look to see what’s trending online today).”

Pekary said that a “senior producer” even admitted their audience don’t even consider them news, but come to them for “comfort.”

“Through this pandemic and the surreal, alienating lockdown, I’ve witnessed many people question their lives and what they’re doing with their time on this planet,” Pekary continued.

“I reckon I’m one of those people, looking for greater meaning and truth. As much as I love my life in New York City and really don’t want to leave, I feel fortunate to be able to return to Virginia in the near term to reconnect with family, friends, and a community of independent journalists,” she said.

“I’m both nervous and excited about this change. Thanks to COVID-19, I’m learning to live with uncertainty.”

MSNBC hasn’t been without controversy over the last few years, with pushing the Trump/Russian collusion before their ratings plummeted after special counsel Robert Mueller cleared Trump last year.

Earlier this year, MSNBC was also accused of selectively editing a video of Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s explosive confrontation with a voter who asked him about gun rights.

GOP National Spokesperson Elizabeth blasted the channel for manipulating the video:

“MSNBC’s take on Joe Biden attacking a union worker in Michigan, calling him ‘full of sh*t,’ a ‘horse’s ass,’ and threatening to slap the worker? Just Joe ‘mixing it up’ They also selectively edited the video to leave out the insults and the threat,” Harrington tweeted.