Archives for category: Speaker of the House
Jason Riddle, of Keene NH, served 3 months in the Devens Federal Prison (Mass.) for his involvement in the January 6th Insurrection at the Capitol building in 2021. Riddle also unsuccessfully ran as a U.S. Rep candidate (NH-2) in the Republican party last year – which he was forced to drop out due to his prison stint – but is planning on running again next year (2024) for the same office. Alexandra Pelosi is the daughter of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the younger Pelosi was also shooting video footage – courtesy of her Mom – in the Capitol building during the actual J6 event. Go figure on THAT one.

So if we’re to believe that Ray Epps was honestly a J6 Insurrectionist, then “WHY” did he have a dozen cell phone calls with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office the Week BEFORE January 6th??? BTW, did I mention that Mr. Epps’ wife, Robyn, just happens to be the Executive Director of Dominion Voting Machines — funny how those things just sort of work out. Also, did I mention that then-Speaker Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra, was physically in the Capitol building while the actual “Deadly” Insurrection was taking place so she could “videotape” all the activity for an HBO documentary? So many questions YET so few of these questions were asked by the House January 6th Committee during all its televised hearings. Gee, I wonder why?

$64,000 QUESTION — Do you think there’s some type of “National Security” problem with releasing the video-tape surveillance footage from the Capitol building during the January 6th Insurrection?

Apparently, some Democrat politician and pundits have some very serious reservations over House Speaker Kevin McCarthy giving some 40k hours of video-tape footage to FOX News’ Tucker Carlson, probably because he and his staff requested it.

So here we’ve got a video of comedian Jimmy Dore, along with Aaron Mate and Kurt Metzger weighing-in on this controversial situation.

Move over ‘Dementia Joe‘, I’ve now got a brand new nickname for our Commander-in-Chief. Also, in this photo (which was used as today’s Front Cover of the, New York Post), look at the expressions on the faces of both President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy — ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS !!! Incidentally, this particular news report was from the 2023 State of the Union address in the Capitol building in Washington D.C. File Under: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

What would the 2023 State of the Union address be without hearing the infinite Words of Wisdom of YouTube blogger, Mark Dice, weighing in on the situation?

Former president Donald Trump delivers the REAL 2023 State of the Union address.

Is there a “thing” going on here between House Speaker hopeful (and U.S. Rep) Kevin McCarthy, and fellow Congress member Marjorie Taylor Greene? Do you think, perhaps, these two could be, “more than just friends”? YouTube blogger Bombard’s Body Language, weighs-in on this particular “dynamic” on this short video — but do you honestly need to be a, “body language expert” just to determine that, there might be something, there there?

Comedian Jimmy Dore breaks down this whole January 6th fiasco within two months of the 2022 Midterm Election
WHY hasn’t Ray Epps been arrested by the FBI yet ? WHY hasn’t Congress subpoenaed Mr. Epps to testify before its Jan 6th Committee ? So many questions, so few answers.