Archives for posts with tag: David Hogg

$64,000 Question: What the BLEEP has David Hogg actually done since bankrupting his own Pillow company, and flapping off his big Mouth about the Parkland School (Fla.) shooting incident? Granted, he still might be 20-something, but perhaps Mr. Hogg should consider enrolling himself on, Welfare and Food Stamps, and then just sucking off THAT perk for the rest of his rather pathetic Life!!!

‘My Pillow’ CEO Mike Lindell pays his Last Respects to his only real rival, ‘Good Pillow LLC’

Personally, I think the biggest BLEEPHOLE in Democrat Politics right now is David Hogg, He’s even a bigger sleazeball than Hunter Biden — it’s not even close!

If you recall the Parkland High School shooting in Florida about four years ago, Hogg sort of served as the “Unofficial Spokesperson” for the rest of his classmates, even though he didn’t seem to be shot at all.

Then about three years ago, FOX News TV show host Laura Ingraham joked on air about Hogg being rejected from a college or two due to low SAT scores, so Hogg retaliated against Ingraham by urging her show’s advertisers to drop their ads.

Now, in the same spirit of screwing people over, Hogg is planning to start a Pillow company in a vain attempt to put Mike Lindell, CEO of the My Pillow company out of business. Aside from the fact that, My Pillow was one of Laura Ingraham’s advertisers back in 2018 (and still is currently), Lindell had the audacity to support Donald Trump as President (Heaven forbid!).

Needless to say, I hope and pray Mike Lindell kicks Mr. Hogg’s pathetic butt in the Pillow manufacturing business, up one side and down the other. I just have ZERO respect for little arrogant jerks like David Hogg.

Update: 3/21/21 — Hogg’s ‘Cancel Culture’ attempt FAILS; Good Pillow company TERMINATED

NEWS FLASH: The Democrat’s ‘Cancel Culture’ just experienced a major setback when one of its most popular advocates recently got Kicked in the Crotch (figuratively speaking) after vowing to the world he was going to put a Trump-supporting businessman literally Out of Business.

Parkland School shooting survivor David Hogg (even though he was NOT even in the same building when convicted Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz went on his shooting spree) recently announced that he planned to start a successful Pillow company, hoping to put My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, who’s also a staunch Donald Trump supporter, literally Out of Business.

Hogg had planned to call his company, Good Pillow, and after a couple months, or maybe it was just weeks, Hogg probably figured that developing a successful Pillow company was a lot tougher than it looked. The public humiliation couldn’t have happened to a bigger jerk.

Here’s a video (in Comment section below) by Author, Commentator, and YouTube Blogger Dinesh D’Souza explaining in more detail what exactly happened with Mr. Hogg’s ‘Good Pillow’ company.

Little Davey

Okay, so on the one hand, I love to see young people — especially teenagers — get involved and participate in good old fashion American Democracy. HOWEVER, when you start getting downright stupid, like David Hogg falsely accusing the National Rifle Association (NRA) for all the mentally unstable psychopaths illegally obtaining guns and killing large groups of people, OR, FOX News TV show host Laura Ingraham should lose all her advertisers because she “teased” Mr. Hogg about being rejected entry to numerous different (most) colleges he applied to.

I’m sorry that Mr. Hogg, along with his classmates in Parkland Florida, experienced another classmate, Theodore Cruz, go on a shooting (and killing) spree a couple months back. I don’t wish that fate on my worst enemy.

But in all due respect, the “15 Minutes of Fame” have already come and gone for kids like David Hogg and Emma Gonzales — if our Mainstream Media, i.e. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times, etc., continue to put these kids on a Pedestal every time they open their mouths & say something, why don’t we AT LEAST hold them accountable for the crap they’re actually spewing out? Just sayin