Archives for posts with tag: Don't Walk Run Productions

$64,000 QUESTION: Does there appear to be a blatant Media bias whenever comparing the Physical/Mental Fitness between Joe Biden & Donald Trump? Here’s YouTube blogger, Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Productions’ weighing-in on the differences between the two. Can you say, “Double Standard“? This video is approximately 11 minutes long.

$64,000 Question — Does Republican Presidential hopeful Nikki Haley have an EXCELLENT point that Presidential candidates over 75 yoa ought to be REQUIRED to successfully pass a Mental Cognitive Exam BEFORE they can serve as President??? YouTube blogger Andrew, of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk Run Productions’ raises some rather fascinating reasons to support Ms. Haley’s proposal regarding some of the recent actions of President Joe Biden. This video is approximately 13 minutes long.

If you’re going to make a YouTube video featuring a lot of the great Inventions made by Black people, is it sort of important to be Honest & Tell the Truth? YouTube blogger Andrew of the Podcast, ‘Don’t Walk, Run! Production’, proceeds to Debunk another popular Video called, ‘A Day in the Life Without Black Inventions’. Aside from February being, Black History Month, it’s pretty interesting to learn how much people can really believe about some of these videos if they’d just take the time and effort to research a few of these claims on their own.