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Watching these Liberal blogging stars on YouTube, The Young Turds, er, I mean, The Young Turks, I can’t help but wonder if our American society may be going to hell in a hand basket with the push by these folks to terminate our system of judicial ‘Due Process’.

Specifically, TYT host Cenk Uygur publicly awarded his show’s Jerk of the Year awards for 2018, and quite a few of them involved the appointment of justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. The main problem with this apparently stemmed from a 36 year accusation from a lady named Christine Blasey Ford of allegedly being sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh back when they were both in high school in Maryland.

As the story goes, Ms. Ford, or anybody else, ever reported a sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh. Since Kavanaugh was already a Federal judge when he interviewed for the Supreme Court position, the FBI had already investigated him six different times and found no criminal improprieties, or even accusations, against him. And, oh yeah, Ms. Ford just IRONICALLY sent a letter to U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein just prior to Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court — Gimme a Break!

In this video for the 2018 Jerk of the Year, Uygur awards Kavanaugh the second biggest ‘Jerk of the Year’ (second only to perennial winner of this award, President Donald Trump), because Kavanaugh “browbeat his accusers” (there’s no documented evidence that Kavanaugh was ever in the same room Ford, never mind ever personally “browbeating” her). And also, Kavanaugh showed “no regret or moment of reflection” towards Ms. Ford — and appropriately so.

For example, I’m actually older than Kavanaugh and I can honestly say that I’ve never raped or sexually assaulted a woman in my life. If I’m up for a once-in-a-lifetime position, like a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court, and a woman whom I’ve never met before claims I raped her nearly 40 years earlier in high school, why should anyone expect me to ‘Lie’ just to make this woman feel good? If this was a, Court of Law, should Kavanaugh be either executed or given a life prison sentence with no evidence whatsoever? All because we’re arbitrarily, “believe the woman”? I don’t think so.

Uygur gave earlier 2018 Jerk of the Year honors to Republican senators Susan Collins and Jeff Flake because both said they found Ms. Ford’s testimony compelling but then voted to appoint Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after a subsequent seventh FBI investigation him innocent of any criminal impropriety. Personally, given the evidence (or lack thereof), I would’ve voted the exact same way as Collins and Flake if I were a U.S. Senator.

Uygur threw out an added dig towards Senator Collins when she commented that the funds Ms. Ford raised on (over $600,000), seemed a little bit corrupt. Personally, speaking for myself, if I was awarded over $600,000 in a lottery, inheritance or whatever, I honestly believe I could retire from my job and live fairly comfortably for the rest of my life. Needless to say, Senator Collins made that statement about Ms. Ford a heck of a lot more “politically correct” than Yours Truly.

Let’s get real — the Democrats were/are willing to stoop down to any level to screw over President Donald Trump. Kavanaugh was an appointment of President Trump. Also, the FBI certainly doesn’t have a monopoly when it comes to criminal investigations — newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, Internet bloggers, private investigators, or even private citizens are free to investigate and request files from Police stations or Courts. If there was even a whiff of criminal impropriety against Brett Kavanaugh — don’t you think it would’ve been publicly exposed by now?

Politics will probably always be dirty and nasty, but I hope and pray our American pols never go down this rabbit hole again. Senator Lindsey Graham, who serves on the Judicial Nomination Committee, made it a point to publicly call out the Senators, specifically Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Dick Durbin, Richard Blumenthal, and, of course, Feinstein for pushing to eliminate Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court on Ford’s accusations alone without any concrete evidence.

Lastly, after going through a public “Witch Hunt” like this, how does that individual ever get their Reputation back? What’s a Reputation worth these days? If Kavanaugh didn’t even attempt to defend himself, not only would he have been eliminated from ever serving on the Supreme Court, he probably would’ve been forced to retire in his early 50’s from the Federal court he was assigned all due to Ms. Ford’s tainted “accusations”.

I don’t know, it’s just a crazy world that seems to be getting even crazier.

So what do you think of a lawyer who would file a Defamation of Character lawsuit against the President of the United States in his client’s name without first getting her permission to do so?

How about a lawyer who initiates and manages a account in his client’s name without ever telling that client how much money that account has generated thus far or how much money has been spent?

It sure sounds to me like Michael Avenatti, a.k.a. Creepy Porn Lawyer, might find himself disbarred from ever practicing Law again long before he ever gets a chance to become the Democrat nominee in the 2020 Presidential race.

As far as I’m concerned, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.