Archives for posts with tag: media

What kind of a BLEEPIN President would publicly announce his reelection bid via a pre-recorded video made in the White House basement? Why doesn’t this guy have the Testicular Fortitude (or should I say, Cognitive ability) to answer a dozen or so questions from the Media???

Can you believe it’s ONLY Day 5 of the Biden administration? Have you noticed that the Liberal YouTube pundits, like scumbag Christo Aivalis, are STILL blogging about what Donald & Melania Trump are planning to do over the next couple years, while posting just about ZERO on Joe Biden & Kamala Harris?

Gee, I wonder why?

Say what you will about Donald Trump but at least he spends about 30-45 minutes answering Reporters’ questions at the end of a Press Conference. When are Joe Biden and Kamala Harris going to do likewise? Especially now that we’re within three (3) months of the Election, as Challengers, they can’t afford to shirk off questions from the Media following a Press Conference. In that regard, they’re 180 degrees opposite from Trump and that should be deemed as totally unacceptable to the average American voter. The YouTube blogger, Conservative Resurgence, did an excellent job in this video illustrating this dilemma.

Wow, do you think it’s possible to have a Full-time Fact Checker cover all the Press Conferences with Joe Biden & Kamala Harris between now & Nov. 3rd? I realize that the Bible states, “All Men (and Women) are Liars”, unfortunately however, Biden and Harris really abuse the privilege.

One thing I really love & respect about Donald Trump is his transparency as President, and how he loves to put the Media in its place when they start screwing him over. Speaking about Transparency, where the heck has Joe Biden been hiding ever since he became the presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee? Shouldn’t HE be doing Press interviews or Podcasts explaining to American voters on how HE would be handling COVID-19 if he were President?

Point of disclosure — I, myself, could’ve been a part of this video on talking to my circle of friends in reference to Donald Trump actually being elected President. But when you do something like this in the media, shouldn’t you issue some type of a public apology afterwards to admit you were WRONG and you just didn’t see this coming? I think so.

Furthermore, why aren’t political pundits — like the ones in this video — FIRED after the election for screwing up so badly? Wouldn’t it make more sense to the major TV networks to replace these pompous, arrogant jerks with pundits who can actually get their predictions right?

This year’s Presidential election just might be, the greatest upset in American political history.

I just hope Mr. Trump doesn’t let his supporters down. Personally, I don’t expect to see a 30 ft. high concrete wall built between the entire U.S.-Mexican border within the next eight years, nor do I expect to see the millions of Muslim-Americans temporarily deported back to their countries of origin until U.S. politicians can finally figure out “what the hell is going on here”.

I don’t think it’d be asking too much from Mr. Trump to keep his campaign promise and nominate Conservative judges to the Supreme Court. With a Republican majority in both the Senate and House of Representatives (at least for the next two years), there shouldn’t be a major problem with getting a reputable Conservative nominee appointed to the Supreme Court.

Aside from securing a Conservative majority on the Supreme Court, everything else is just gravy and cranberry sauce on the turkey. That’ll definitely be the first step on ‘making America great again’.

Politically speaking, I tend to lean Republican but DEFINITELY NOT in the upcoming 2016 Presidential election. I agree wholeheartedly with this gentleman from, The Young Turks, that the media ought to be reporting on all the craziness being spewed out by a major party candidate like Donald Trump. And why aren’t Reporters checking the math on the candidates’ tax plans to see if they actually add up? Why don’t Reporters ever check the FACTS of what these candidates are talking about to find out if any of it is true? Too bad this YouTube video isn’t a REQUIRED study tool at most respective Journalism colleges and universities.

