Archives for posts with tag: Time magazine

$64,000 QUESTION – Would YOU let Joe Biden drive you to the Grocery Store in his vehicle?

Basically, two things need to happen before TIME Magazine names Michael Cohen as its, ‘2024 Person of the Year’. First of all, former president Donald Trump (who used to have Cohen as his Attorney), is sentenced to Prison regarding the New York city ‘hush money’ court case that Cohen is expected to be the ‘Key Witness’ for the Prosecution. Secondly, if Joe Biden wins his reelection for President against Trump on November 5th.

Pretty simple, huh?

Former White House staffer (specifically, a former aide to then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows) Cassidy Hutchinson is shown here testifying before the Congressional January 6th Committee last week in Washington D.C.

Since December is ONLY now FIVE (5) months away, could THIS woman possibly be named, TIME magazine’s “2022 Person of the Year“? Keep in mind here, Liberal political and media pundits have already referred to her Congressional testimony last week as: “Brave“, “Bombshell“, “Game-Changer“, and, “Historic“.

Lastly, and probably MOST IMPORTANTLY, she’s just a SMOKIN’ HOT YOUNG LADY, which I’m sure the guys @ the extremely ULTRA LIBERAL Time mag will take into SERIOUS CONSIDERATION when it presents its phony-baloney annual award to somebody this year. Besides that, it’s been quite a while since Time magazine has given its, Person of the Year award to someone who is/was “Republican“. Since Ms. Hutchinson formerly worked in the Trump administration, she could legitimately be viewed as a former Republican, and perhaps give Time magazine at least some semblance of being, “objective” to give this award to someone besides a, Democrat (or Liberal) for once.

So if Time magazine was actually a legitimate, unbiased Media outlet — which it obviously is NOT — John Paul Mac Isaac, the Delaware computer repairman who turned over Hunter Biden’s laptop to law authorities, should’ve been awarded Person of the Year for 2020 as opposed to Sleepy Joe and Kamala.

The bigger question is, how the heck was this particular story basically squelched by both Big Tech, and the Mainstream Media a couple weeks prior to the Election AFTER it got published in the New York Post. Also, the outlet which produced this video, Newsmax TV, has recently passed up FOX News in the ratings and is proving itself as an organization, along with perhaps OAN (One America News), as a trusted source of objective and unbiased information.

With the very shaky Biden administration set to take over the country in a few weeks, transparency in government might soon become, ancient history.