Archives for posts with tag: voting fraud

YouTube blogger Mark Dice speaks THE TRUTH about the Defamation of Character lawsuit, Dominion Voting Machines vs. FOX News, specifically regarding the reporting of FOX anchors: Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham during the 2020 Presidential election. Enjoy:

The State of Texas, along with the U.S. Supreme Court, just may save our wonderful country from utter chaos and destruction yet. At the very least, the Supreme Court will have to rule on the reckless and unconstitutional liberties exercised by some of the Swing States in last month’s election regarding Mail-In Ballots.

However the Supreme Court chooses to rule on last month’s election, it’s highly unlikely the state of Georgia will be able to pull the same Mail-In Voting fraud (and subsequent “counting”) in next month’s U.S. Senate races as it did in last month’s Presidential race.

It was also nice to learn in this video by Liberal Hivemind, that it’s NOT Constitutionally correct to refer to Joe Biden currently as, “President Elect”. I figured as much.

Personally, I think this SCOTUS case is probably the last legitimate hope for both a Donald Trump reelection, and (also hopefully) the Republicans to maintain U.S. Senate majority control for AT LEAST the next two years. God Almighty, I pray that you Bless & “Inspire” SCOTUS Biggly over the next couple of days.

This 24-minute video about the, ‘Top 10 Ways Fraud Can Happen in an Election’ was posted on a rather interesting website, . Please feel free to watch this video and/or surf thru this website in regards to our current Presidential election.

  1. Stopping the Count

2. Mail-In Ballots

3. No Witnesses Allowed

4. Too Many Voters

5. Changing the Vote

6. Imbalanced Votes

7. Dead People Voting

8. Ballot Mishandling

9. Statistical Analysis

10. Media Fraud

President Donald Trump seemed to make one more effort for public support on this past Presidential Election, which currently indicates Democratic nominee Joe Biden is the ‘President-Elect’ and appears likely to serve as our Commander-in-Chief for the next four years.

In Trump’s defense there were a number of examples of ‘Voter Fraud’ in each of the swing states, which collectively could’ve sealed a reelection victory for Trump. The question is, were there enough fraudulent votes to give Trump the win. Trump cited the excess use of Mail-in Ballots — with no accountability — as well as the company called, Dominion, which supposedly manufactured questionable results for Biden over Trump.

The speech took place about a month after the Presidential election and lasts approximately 46 minutes.

Karen Testerman, who is currently running for the Republican nomination of New Hampshire Governor, was my guest for this episode of, ‘Frankly Speaking’. This interview took place via Skype on Aug. 11, 2020.

Testerman has resided in New Hampshire for more than two decades and has been actively involved with numerous government activities, including a local radio show and a government-access TV production. According to her campaign brochure, Testerman refers to herself as a “Committed Conservative” who’s pro life, pro gun, no new taxes, and, pro job and business.

Topics discussed on this episode included: What changes would she have initiated in New Hampshire if she had been the Governor during the Coronavirus, specifically potentially closing restaurants, businesses, and public schools? How close is NH from ever implementing a State income tax, or a State sales tax? How would she prepare for a protest in NH from either Black Lives Matter, or Antifa? Are there any Sanctuary Cities or Towns in NH, and how would she as Governor try to remedy that situation? We talked about Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey in St. Louis about how they defended their property with guns from rioters and then had their guns confiscated the following day by law officials — could something like that happen in NH? Since Testerman entered the Governor’s race about two months ago and she’s facing the incumbent Governor, Chris Sununu in the Sept. 8th Primary election, was this enough time to establish visibility to take on a candidate with his name recognition on a date which may not draw that many voters? We talked about Mail-in Ballots and potential voter fraud, including a specific situation from 2016 which President Donald Trump and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte might’ve been short-changed due to out-of-state college students voting in their home States and then again near their college residence.

Then I asked Karen about my personal favorite questions for a NH Governor candidate: Would she ever propose a helmet requirement for motorcyclists? Would she consider dissolving annual vehicle safety inspection stickers? Lastly, are most NH residents happy with the highway tolls, specifically with the number of them and the costs?

Testerman may find her toughest challenge in the Sept. 8th Republican Primary against the incumbent Governor Chris Sununu. If you’d like to learn more about her candidacy or maybe even contact her, please log onto her website: . If successful in the Primary, Testerman will then advance to face the Democratic challenger in the regular election on Nov. 3rd.

Local singer Sharon DiFronzo of Screamin Heart records sang the intro and outro theme songs to this particular episode.

More Mail-in Ballot mumbo-jumbo being preached on Fake News CNN & even more of a Faker Brianna Keilar. That’s probably the ONLY way they can see Trump losing the Election this year — if more people fraudulently vote with Mail-in ballots. How pathetic!