Archives for category: Greg Gutfeld

$64,000 Question: How does Hunter Biden, son of President Joseph Robinette Biden, get to LIE on a gun registration application regarding his past Drug conviction, while anybody else would face some serious Prison time in light of such an impropriety?

Also, since this story broke earlier today by a popular Liberal website, why wasn’t President Biden asked about this incident with his son during his Press Conference this afternoon? In light of the two Mass Shooting which took place in Atlanta and Colorado over the past week, lying on a Gun Application should be construed as a Felony — why wasn’t this question asked of the President?

The crew on, ‘The Five’ on FOX News break down the situation quite well on their show. One of the co-host on, ‘The Five’, Dana Perino brought up an excellent point in this particular segment, that this incident happened in 2018, when the Bidens were no longer under Secret Service protection — so were the Secret Service working “privately” or “off-the-clock” to retrieve Hunter Biden’s gun, along with its registration? If so, what would prompt the Secret Service to do that? Another panelist on, ‘The Five’, Jesse Watters referred to Hunter Biden as a chaotic person that everybody needs to clean up after. Co-host Greg Gutfeld said that every family has a “Hunter Biden”, but in the Biden family, Hunter wasn’t just its “Black Sheep” — he was the whole flock. Gutfeld added that Hunter Biden is a “prime manipulator”.

The video last a little more than six (6) minutes and it is rather fascinating to watch and listen to.

So let me see if I’ve got this straight — approximately 32 years ago, Joe Biden was forced to drop out of his first Presidential campaign in ultimate Disgrace due to being caught Plagiarizing his speeches from British politicians.

Do you supposed Biden ever learned his lesson from that embarrassing experience? Apparently not. Now, Biden is “Piggybacking” off of Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ cliche for his very own Administration.

File Under: The More Things Change, The More They Just Stay The Same

Take a look at the first couple minutes of this video, specifically, comparing the Media coverage of Joe Biden versus the Media coverage of Mike Pence. Can you say, “Double Standard”?

Even worse, is this the type of, “hard-hitting, investigative journalism” we should all expect to see over the next four years covering a ‘possible’ Biden administration? Heaven help us all.

So for those who hate Donald Trump, just pretend that he’s a Racist, or a Homophobe — evidence is not needed — and then proceed to attack Trump supporters by sucker-punching the elderly, or throwing lit firecrackers at them while they’re dining at outdoor restaurants. That’s so funny, I forgot to laugh. Personally, I can’t wait to see how “President-elect” Joe Biden plans to bring our Country together again.